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Eihab Abdel-Rahman
Systems Design Engineering, Professor, Associate Chair

Stacey Acker
Kinesiology, Associate Professor

Adil Al-Mayah
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Associate Professor, Associate Chair

Arash Arami
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Assistant Professor

Gladimir Baranoski
Computer Science, Professor

Michael Barnett-Cowan
Kinesiology, Associate Professor, Associate Chair of Graduate Studies

[Waterloo News] September 25, 2018 "Virtual reality motion sickness may be predicted and counteracted"
[ScienceDaily] December 15, 2018 "Aging warps our perception of time, study finds"
[Record] October 12, 2017 "Aging slows perception of falls: UW study"
Philip Beesley
Architecture, Professor, Director, Living Architecture Systems Group, Director, Riverside Architectural Press

[Azure Magazine] June 13, 2018, "transforming future couture'
[Waterloo Stories] October 23, 2013 "School of Architecture hosts international conference"
[Waterloo Stories] August 9, 2013 "Fashion and the city"
Hector Budman
Chemical Engineering, Professor

Jack Callaghan
Kinesiology, Professor

Jordan Cannon
Kinesiology and Health Sciences, Assistant Professor

Helen Chen
School of Public Health Sciences, Professor

[Waterloo Stories] July 10, 2017 "Waterloo software improves care for kidney patients"
[CBB researcher story] July 21, 2015 "Data management in Health Care"
Perry Chou
Chemical Engineering, Professor

[Waterloo Stories] May 3, 2013 "Can bacteria help create a cheaper fuel for our cars?"
[UW Eng-e-news] August 14, 2013 "Engineering Life-enhancing research"
David Clausi
Systems Design Engineering, Professor, Associate Dean, Research & External Partnerships

[Daily Bulletin] June 1, 2018, 11 CBB Members Named Outstanding Performance Award Winners
[The Record] May 8,2018, have ties with a new Montreal sports analytics research lab in Kitchener
Travis Craddock
Biology, Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair in Quantum Neurobiology
Eric Croiset
Chemical Engineering, Professor

Duane Cronin
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Professor, Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Trauma Biomechanics and Injury Prevention (tBIP), Director, Impact Mechanics and Material Characterization Laboratory

[Waterloo Stories] October 5, 2012 "New virtual crash test dummies will have plenty to say"
Clark Dickerson
Kinesiology, Professor

CBB Executive Director
Canada Research Chair in Shoulder Mechanics [Canada Research Chair Profile]
[Waterloo News] February 19, 2019 "How to make the push-up work for you"
[Waterloo Stories] October 7, 2013 "Reducing shoulder injuries in the workplace"
Andrew Doxey
Biology, Associate Professor, University Research Chair, Biology Core Facility Director

[WCMR] June 18, 2018, receives Thermo Fisher Scientific Award
[Daily Bulletin] June 1, 2018, 11 CBB Members Named Outstanding Performance Award Winners
[Waterloo Stories] January 26, 2018 "Scientists find new kind of botox"
Safa Erenay
Management Sciences, Associate Professor, MSCI TA Officer

Kaan Erkorkmaz
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Professor

[Engineering News] October 19, 2016 "Researchers join advanced manufacturing network"
Baris Fidan
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Professor

Paul Fieguth
Systems Design Engineering, Professor, Associate Vice President - Academic Operations

[Daily Bulletin] June 1, 2018, 11 CBB Members Named Outstanding Performance Award Winners
Steven Fischer
Kinesiology, Associate Professor; Associate Chair of Applied Research, Partnerships and Outreach

Aravindhan Ganesan
School of Pharmacy, Research Assistant Professor

[Science Direct] August 10, 2018 "Revealing the atomistic details behind the binding of B7–1 to CD28 and CTLA-4: A comprehensive protein-protein modelling study"
[Nature] August 27, 2019 "Comprehensive in vitro characterization of PD-L1 small molecule inhibitors"
Jesse Hoey
Computer Science, Professor

[VJDementia] "The complex issue of emotion"
[Computer Science News] June 29, 2017 "ACT@Home: An emotionally intelligent cognitive assistant to help people with Alzheimer’s disease"
[Waterloo Stories] January 2, 2013 "Making life easier for those living with Alzheimer's"
Todd Holyoak
Biology, Associate Professor

John Honek
Chemistry, Professor

[Daily Bulletin] June 1, 2018, 11 CBB Members Named Outstanding Performance Award Winners
Peter Huck
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Professor

NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Water Treatment [NSERC Profile]
[Waterloo Stories] March 14, 2013 "Protecting our drinking water for 20 years"
Laura Hug
Biology, Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair in Environmental Microbiology

Canada Research Chair in Environmental Microbiology [Canada Research Chair Profile]
[YouTube] October 23, 2015 "Piecing life together - microbial diversity and function through meta-omic analyses"
[Waterloo Stories] April 12, 2016 "New tree of life may hold clues to cleaning up pollution"
Jan Huissoon
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Professor

Research Interests:
- Mobility assistive devices
- Neuro-Musculo-Skeletal Modeling of Human Locomotion
- Autonomous Navigation Using Artificial Neural Networks
- Dynamic Seam Tracking for Robotic Welding, Arc Acoustics in GMA welding, Walking Robot Welder
- Automatic end-of-arm and tool-centre-point calibration
Brian Ingalls
Applied Mathematics, Professor

Research Interests:
- Mathematical modelling in systems biology
- Control theory
- Synthetic biology
[CBB researcher story] August 6, 2015 "Decreasing antibiotic resistance in bacteria"
[YouTube Lecture] September 30, 2014 "Model-based design in synthetic biology"
Subha Kalyaanamoorthy
Chemistry, Assistant Professor

Research Interests:
- Design/discovery of potential therapeutics to target various diseases
- Understanding the structure and pharmacology of membrane proteins
- Development of in silico methods/tools for sequence, structure and functional analysis
- Inferring the structure-function evolution of proteins
- Protein engineering for biotechnology and pharmaceutical applications
[American Chemical Society] January 23, 2012 "Exploring Inhibitor Release Pathways in Histone Deacetylases Using Random Acceleration Molecular Dynamics Simulations"
[Wiley Online Library] July 27, 2013 "Ligand release mechanisms and channels in histone deacetylases"
[Royal Society of Chemistry] December 19, 2013 "A steered molecular dynamics mediated hit discovery for histone deacetylases"
[Nature Methods] May 8, 2017 "ModelFinder: fast model selection for accurate phylogenetic estimates"
[Royal Society of Chemistry] October 24, 2017 "Reverse engineering: transaminase biocatalyst development using ancestral sequence reconstruction"
Nikolas Knowles

Research interests:
- Upper-extremity biomechanics
- Orthopaedic biomechanics
- Osteoarthritis
- Computational modeling
- Imaging
Mohammad Kohandel
Applied Mathematics

Research Interests:
- Integrative cancer biology
- Combination of cancer treatments
- Nano-scale drug delivery
- Cancer stem cells
- Biomechanics
[Waterloo News] June 23, 2016 "Nanotechnology and math deliver two-in-one punch for cancer therapy resistance"
[Waterloo Stories] February 11, 2015 "Study finds new lethal combination of cancer drugs shrinks tumors"
[Waterloo Stories] January 16, 2018 "Math can predict how cancer cells evolve"
Jonathan Kusins
Systems Design Engineering, Assistant Professor

Andrew Laing

Research Interests:
- Musculoskeletal biomechanics related to human health and injury prevention, and the role that advanced age has on these relationships.
- Fall-related tissue trauma including hip fractures, spinal cord injuries, and traumatic brain injuries
- Workplace musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD)
- Orthopedic biomechanics
[YouTube] Andrew Laing, Department of Kinesiology, UW
Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan
Optometry and Vision Science

Research Interests:
- Classical and visual optics
- Optical system design, science and engineering
- Psychophysics/human factors
- Visual perception, visual optics math modelling
- Biomedical image processing
[CBB researcher story] July 29, 2015 "Image processing to automate early glaucoma diagnosis"
Edith Law
Computer Science

Research Interests:
- Human computation (crowdsourcing)
- Human-in-the-loop intelligent systems
- Online communities and citizen science
- Large-scale collaborative planning systems
- Interaction techniques and incentive mechanisms for volunteer-based human computation systems within Science and Public Health.
[Computer Science News] May 1, 2015 "CIHR-NSERC grant awarded to CS professor"
Anita Layton
Applied Mathematics

Research Interests:
Integrative kidney physiology
Biofluid dynamics
- Hypertension
March 29, 2018 "Canada 150 Research Chair joins Department of Applied Mathematics"
Yang Lu
Computer Science

Research interests:
- Developing machine learning and statistical methods for genomics and proteomics data analysis using interpretable machine learning, reproducible (error-controlled) machine learning, and heterogeneous data integration
- Developing interpretation methods to find scientifically interesting and statistically confident hypotheses from complex biological data from single-cell genomics, mass spectrometry-based proteomics, and metagenomics
Ewen MacDonald
Systems Design Engineering

Research interests:
- Speech Perception
- Speech Production
- Speech Communication
- Perceptual Consequences of Hearing loss and Aging
- Hearing Aid Processing
- Auditory Perception
- Acoustics
Nima Maftoon
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- Medical device and diagnostic development for hearing and hearing loss
- Audiology and Otolaryngology
- Acoustic, Vibration, physiological and cadaveric measurements, animal models
- Aging, Biomechanics
Brendan McConkey

Research Interests:
Protein structure, functions, evolution (yeast, mammalian cell lines, plant-bacterial)
Bioinformatics, systematics and protein evolution
- Protein structure and interaction modeling
- Protein expression pattern analysis
- Molecular genetics
Stewart McLachlin
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research interests:
- Biomechanics
- Orthopaedic surgery
- Implant design
- Bio-mechanical testing
- Computational modeling
- Computer-assisted surgery
John McPhee
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- Biomechatronics
- Multibody dynamic models and simulation
- Exoskeletons and rehabilitation robots
- Biomechanics
- Sports engineering
- Systems theory
- Model-based control
- Autonomous cars and vehicle dynamics
- Machine learning
- Computer vision
- Hybrid electric vehicles
Canada Research Chair in Biomechatronic System Dynamics [Canada Research Chair Profile]
NSERC/Toyota/Maplesoft Industrial Research Chair in Mathematics-Based Modelling and Design [NSERC Profile]
[Waterloo Stories] February 20, 2019 "Engineering innovation for wheelchair curlers"
[Waterloo Stories] August 5, 2016 "Rio Olympics 2016: Engineering speed for the Canadian track cycling team"
[Waterloo Stories] June 17, 2015 "Waterloo’s $10M dream facility for smarter, greener cars"
Office of Research - Technology Transfer & Commercialization:
Elizabeth Meiering

Research Interests:
- Proteins: folding, misfolding and aggregation, structure, dynamics, and function
- Protein engineering and design
- Protein thermodynamics and kinetics
- Biophysical chemistry and biochemistry
- Bionanotechnology and biomaterials
- Biochemistry and Biophysics
- Smart Materials
- Biomaterials, Polymers and Bioplastics
- Theranostic Materials
- Smart and Functional Materials
- Molecular Therapeutics and Theranostics
- Nanomaterials
- Bionanotechnology and Biosensors
- Soft Matter
- Drug Discovery, Design and Delivery
- Bioinformatics, Systematics and Evolution
[Waterloo News] November 24, 2015 "New insights into protein structure could change the future of biomedicine"
[Chemistry News] August 20, 2014 "Chemist Elizabeth Meiering takes on the ALS ice bucket challenge"
Katja Mombaur
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- human-robot interaction
- wearable robots
- rehabilitation robots
- intelligent assistive devices
- humanoid robots
- human movement analysis
- optimal control
- model-based control
- multibody systems modeling
Plinio Morita
School of Public Health Sciences

Research Interests:
- mHealth and wearable technology design
- Ubiquitous sensors for smart homes and remote patient monitoring
- Big data and health data analytics
- Technology to support longer independent living
[MaRS] April 26, 2018 "UbiLab team wins Healthy Behaviour Data Challenge"
Praveen Rao Perampalli Nekkar
School of Pharmacy

Research Interests:
- Drug discovery
- Rational drug design and medicinal chemistry
- Cancer therapy
- Treatment of neurological disorders (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's)
- Drug discovery/rational design
- Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel organic molecules and peptides/peptidomimics as therapeutic agents
[Science News] October 22, 2018 "Nekkar lab determines that depression medications can help treat Alzheimer’s disease"
[Pharmacy News] July 29, 2015 "Waterloo pharmacist examines drug therapies for Alzheimer’s disease"
Jeff Orchard
Computer Science

Research Interests:
- Neural networks and neural learning algorithms
- Dynamical systems and scientific computing
- Computational neuroscience
[CBB researcher story] July 20, 2015 "Computational Perception: How a brain understands its environment"
Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
Application of intelligent systems (hydrology, water resources, decision making in health, control of satellite communications, fault detection analysis)
- Optimization
- Mathematical programming, decision making under uncertainty
- Data mining
Pascal Poupart
Computer Science

Research Interests:
Machine learning and reasoning under uncertainty (artificial intelligence, computational statistics, decision and control theory)
Health informatics (assistive technologies, behaviour recognition, smart walkers, Alzheimer’s monitoring)
Natural language understanding (dialogue management, semantic analysis)
[National Post] May 11, 2018, weighs in on how Google's A.I. personal assistant sparks concerns about future of communication
[The Record] May 8,2018, have ties with a new Montreal sports analytics research lab in Kitchener
[Markets Insider] February 5, 2018 "Borealis AI increases brain power by adding top AI talent"
[The Globe and Mail] February 4, 2018 "How we can leverage AI to bridge academia and business"
[Waterloo Stories] April 12, 2013 "Breaking the fall: Smart walker will help prevent injuries"
Parsin Haji Reza
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests
- Early Cancer Detection
- Eliminating Positive Surgical Margins
- Non-contact Biopsies for Endoscopy
- Functional Brain Imaging
- Early Detection and Understanding the Age-related Vision Loss Problems
- Wound Care
- Cardiovascular
- Machine learning/AI
Siby Samuel
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- Simulation & Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality
- Novice And Older Driver Training
- Predictive & Conceptual Modeling Of Behavior
- Eye Tracking
- Attention & Cognition
- Perception
- Decision Making
- Aging
- Automotive Human Factors
- Autonomous Vehicles And Connected Vehicles & Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Caregiver Behaviors & Errors
- Assistive & Automotive Interfaces
- Vulnerable Road User Safety (Pedestrians & Bicyclists)
- Motorcyclist Safety
- Special Populations (ADHD & Dementia)
- Traffic Control Devices & Roadway Infrastructure Design
Oliver Schneider
Management Sciences

Research Interests
- Human-computer interaction (HCI)
- Haptics
- Creativity-support systems
[YouTube] October 11, 2018 "DualPanto: A Haptic Device that Enables Blind Users to Continuously Interact with Virtual Worlds"
George Shaker
Electrical & Computer Engineering

Alternate Location:
- Satellite Campus, UW-Schlegel Research Institute for Aging, Research Building, Sensors and Devices Lab
Research Interests:
- Bio-wearable electronics and systems
- Bio-electromagnetics, bio-technology, bio-sensors and energy harvesting systems
- RF/microwave/millimeter wave/Terahertz (THz) circuits and antenna systems
- Radio frequency (RF)/microwave packaging and Electromagnetic compatibility
- (EMC)/Electromagnetic interface (EMI) analyses
- Vehicle and UAV wireless communications, navigation systems, and telematics systems
- Complex propagation and scattering phenomena
- Devices and novel electromagnetic materials and wireless sensors
- Top downloaded paper in Medical Physics (arXiv) – October 2019
- Best Imaging Paper, CVS, 2018
- ACM MobileHCI 2017 Best Worskshop Paper Award
- IEEE APS 2017 SPC Honorable Mention Paper Award
- IEEE Sensors Most Popular Article (March 2017)
- IEEE Sensors Annual Volume Cover Page
[CBB Events] November 15, 2019 "Professor Shaker organizes a Health Canada Regulatory insights Workshop"
[CNN] November 11, 2019 "Scientists develop sensor to save children and pets from hot car deaths"
[Waterloo News] October 29, 2019 "Advancing healthcare through innovative technology"
[Inside Digital Health] June 3, 2019 "Study: Radar Monitors Sleep with Accuracy Comparable to Current Standards"
[Waterloo News] June 28, 2018 "AI and radar technologies could help diabetics manage their disease"
[Engineering News] June 28, 2018 "Researchers developing a prick-free glucose monitor"
[RD Magazine] June 28, 2018 "AI and Radar Technologies Could Help Diabetics Manage Their Disease"
[Engineering News] July 5, 2016 "Waterloo wins big with tiny power device"
Tais Sigaeva
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- soft tissue
- nonlinear elasticity
- continuum mechanics
- mechanical testing
- uniaxial testing
- biaxial testing
- residual stress
- data analysis
- constitutive modelling
- cardiovascular mechanics
- fibrous micro-structure
- multiphoton microscopy
- heterogeneity
- anisotropy
- layers
- aneurysms
- skin
Sivabal Sivaloganathan
Applied Mathematics

Research Interests:
- Biomechanics
- Mathematical modeling of hydrocephalus
- Mathematical oncology
[Applied Mathematics Biomedical Research Group]
[Waterloo Stories] January 16, 2018 "Math can predict how cancer cells evolve"
Madjid Soltani
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Adjunct Assistant Professor

David Spafford

Research Interests:
Calcium channel analysis for target drug delivery for treatment of pain, arrhythmias, angina, and potential benefits in treatment of epilepsy and cancer.
Structure, function and pharmacology of calcium channels and sodium channels
Structure and function and analysis of NALCN cation channel and anti-calcium channel toxins
The Spafford Neurobiology Research Laboratory studies voltage-gated calcium channels, molecular physiology, biophysics, cell biology, protein biochemistry, fluorescence microscopy and tissue cultures.
[Science News] April 25, 2014 "Waterloo discovers a key regulator in the pacemakers of our brain and heart"
Hamid Tizhoosh
Systems Design Engineering, Adjunct Professor

Ehsan Toyserkani
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests:
Tissue engineering and biodegradable implants for regenerative medicine (3D printing)
Bio-additive and microscale-additive manufacturing (opto-mechanical sensors, smart structures, developed through additive manufacturing)
Novel multi-scale additive manufacturing technologies for biomedical, oil/gas and manufacturing sectors
Laser-based fabrication techniques with particular focus on direct write processes in micro- and macro-scale
Modeling, sensing and real-time control of laser-based manufacturing techniques
University Research Chair
Canada Research Chair in Multi-Scale Additive Manufacturing [Canada Research Chair Profile]
[Office of Research News] May 8,2018 "Waterloo researchers named Canada Research Chairs"
[YouTube Lecture] May 6, 2014 "Additive manufacturing"
Office of Research - Technology Transfer & Commercialization:
Mahesh Tripunitara
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests:
- Computer & Software Engineering
- Information security
- Authorization and access control
- Cryptographic key transport
- Secure payments
- Usable security
- Security and reliability of computer hardware
- Connectivity and Internet of Things
- Cybersecurity
- Application security
- Privacy and cryptography
- Information security
- IoT
- Dependability and security
Justin Wan
Computer Science

Research Interests:
- Medical imaging (processing, registration, cell segmentation, tracking)
- Computer simulations (biomedical, brain and soft tissue injury and biomechanics, architectural, remote sensing, natural phenomena, fine arts)
- Computational finance
- Scientific computing (numerical solutions of partial differential equations, iterative methods, and multigrid preconditioning, parallel computation on high performance platforms)
Canada Research Chair in Scientific Computing [Canada Research Chair Profile]
Zhou Wang
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests:
- Image and signal processing, coding and quality assessment
- Computational vision and pattern analysis
- Multimedia communications
- Biomedical signal and image processing
The Royal Society of Canada Fellow
University Research Chair
[Waterloo News] October 5, 2015 "Waterloo Engineer wins Emmy Award"
[Waterloo Stories] February 3, 2014 "Engineering professor awarded prestigious fellowship"
Office of Research - Technology Transfer & Commercialization:
Thomas Willett
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
Biomaterials and mechanics of biomaterials and tissues
Bone quality and fragility, collagen
Engineering of bone mimetic materials for skeletal reconstruction (3D printing)
Alex Wong
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
Biomedical image processing and analysis (prostate, breast, lung and dermatological cancer analysis, retinal photoreceptor and blood vessel analysis, musculoskeletal kinematic analysis
Remote sensing data processing and analysis (sea ice, underwater object, oil spill analysis)
Perceptual based video and image processing (noise reduction, compression, enhancement)
Computer vision and pattern recognition
Multimedia management systems
3D graphics and game development
Cognitive radio networks
Canada Research Chair in Medical Imaging Systems [Canada Research Chair Profile]
[Daily Bulletin] June 1, 2018, 11 CBB Members Named Outstanding Performance Award Winners
[Waterloo News] [CBC News] [Gadgets] May 16, 2018, Co-authors discuss the use of aerobic fitness data from wearable tech to predict illness
[Waterloo News] May 15, 2018 "Researchers combine wearable technology and AI to predict the onset of health problems"
[Global Impact] [570 news] [Youtube] April 11, 2018 "How AI is helping doctors diagnose Cancer"
[The Star] February 9, 2018 "How TheRedPin aims to take a swipe at the real estate industry"
[Waterloo News] June 7, 2017 "Artificial intelligence-driven imaging research makes diagnosing disease easier"
[Waterloo Stories] January 28, 2017 "Artificial intelligence and the Waterloo-Toronto tech supercluster"
[Waterloo Stories] May 20, 2016 "Breakthrough tech helps doctors more accurately diagnose cancer"
[CBB researcher story] January 9, 2013 "Improving Early Diagnosis to Save Lives"
[Waterloo Stories] January 9, 2013 "Making it harder for cancer to hide"
[YouTube Lecture] October 1, 2014 "Integrative systems for biomedical imaging and analysis"
Mustafa Yavuz
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Professor, Director, Graduate Nanotechnology Program

David Yevick
Physics and Astononmy

Research Interests:
- Numerical simulation
- Optics
- Polarization
- Electric field propagation
- Guided waves
- Optoelectronics devices and systems
Norman Zhou
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests:
Microjoining (wire bonding, laser & resistance microwelding, etc.) for medical and electronics applications
Nanojoining (laser joining, soldering, etc.) for sensing and biomedical applications
Brazing/soldering (diffusion brazing, ceramic/metal bonding, etc.) for aerospace, automotive and electronics applications
Welding (laser, resistance welding, etc.) for automotive applications
Canada Research Chair in Advanced Materials Joining and Processing[Canada Research Chair Profile]
[Office of Research News] May 8, 2018 Waterloo researchers named Canada Research Chairs