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Technology has become an integral part of students’ lives
Different assignments make different cognitive demands on students.
Working in groups is quite different than working individually.
Students should be made aware of assessment before starting the project
Motivation and learning are inextricably intertwined: “motivation influences learning and performance and what students do and learn influences their motivation” (Schunk et al., 2008, p. 5).
As long as class sizes continue to increase, it is likely that lecturing will be a dominant teaching method in university class rooms
In a flipped classroom, students engage with lectures or other materials outside of class to prepare for an active learning experience in the classroom
Fostering an effective discussion can be challenging in a face-to-face situation and even more so in an online environment.
Online discussions can help you prepare for class, learn discussion skills, practice your writing skills, and learn from others
Online outliners such as WorkFlowy allow you to create lists with an infinite number of hierarchical levels: items, sub items, sub sub items, and so on