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This document provides brief guidance on appropriate ways of interacting with your classmates, teaching assistants, and instructors in online, professional contexts. It applies to email, online discussion groups, and online chats.
Supervision of undergraduate and graduate student research represents an important yet not often discussed component of an academic’s workload
While stress can be a normal part of the university experience, instructors can design courses that focus on learning while reducing the unnecessary hurdles that can increase stress and interfere with learning
As instructors and teaching assistants you often have direct communication with students and, therefore, you have the potential to help students feel connected and supported in their learning environment.
The first day of class sets the tone for the rest of the term.
Whether you are a new teaching assistant (TA) or an experienced TA for a course that is new to you, you need to know exactly what your responsibilities may be
The University of Waterloo’s Student Course Perceptions (SCP) survey includes ten core questions (individual faculties may seek to add additional questions)
Metacognition has been defined as “one’s knowledge concerning one’s own cognitive processes or anything related to them
Many instructors in engineering, math and science have students solve “problems”
For groups to function effectively, it's important for students to think critically about the climate within their group and the process by which they accomplish their tasks. Although students can gain many of the skills described below through ad hoc interactions, instructors play a key role in making them explicit protocols.