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The first day of class can set the tone for the rest of the term. Here are some tips on how to set a positive classroom atmosphere and limit disruptions from the get-go.
Assessment is an integral part of your course design.
Clearly communicate to students your goals for any assignment or learning activity.
As class sizes increase and university budgets tighten, lecturing remains a dominant teaching method (Goffe & Kauper, 2014; Smith & Valentine, 2012).
Including well-designed library-based assignments in your courses can help build students’ research and thinking skills.
When an instructor writes on a classroom’s whiteboard, two problems arise
As a learning tool, writing can help students achieve a number of learning goals.
Working in groups can be both rewarding and challenging.
Guidelines when pivoting from an in-person exam to an online exam.
Most university courses have an end-of-term assessment of student learning: a final exam, term test, summative project, or other option