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Active learning in the classroom can increase student engagement and promote learning
Early engagement quick tips are useful for instructors to foster engagement in the first weeks of a term.
Some basic skills can help you to be a more effective communicator in the classroom.
Tutorials supplement learning that has occurred in lectures by providing further opportunities for students to discuss course material, ask questions, practice skills, and receive formative feedback on their learning
This Teaching Tip discusses the challenge of effectively using feedback to enhance students' learning and performance. Feedback literacy involves understanding and using feedback to enhance learning strategies.
What can you do as an instructor to encourage your students to do honest work?
While ePortfolios might be described as digital collections of artifacts, a good academic ePortfolio also represents a process
Examinations are a very common assessment and evaluation tool in universities and there are many types of examination questions
This game can be played in tutorials, lectures, or study groups outside class, and it helps to produce the lateral thinking, critical negotiations
Exam wrappers are activities that “wrap around” an exam to enhance students' meta-cognition and their reflection on their assessments.