CUT Teaching Dossiers (CTE113)

Tuesday, September 27, 2016 10:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Location: EV1-241

Description: At this workshop, you will learn what a teaching dossier is and how you can use one. We will analyze two sample dossiers - an activity which you will begin before the workshop - to discover what constitutes an effective dossier. From there, we will turn to the teaching philosophy statement, which is a critical component of the dossier but is also the most difficult to articulate. You will receive additional resources at the workshop.

Pre-workshop activity:

To prepare for this workshop, you need to complete the following task:

  • Read the two sample dossiers, in the document called "Teaching Dossier - Pre-Workshop Reading - Sample Portfolios" (found in GS902 course in Waterloo LEARN), and complete the worksheet at the end of that document. Bring your responses and a copy of the sample dossiers to the workshop for a group discussion.

Facilitator: Stephanie White, CTE


  • Open to CUT participants registered in GS902 only
  • Registration required


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