Facilitating Effective Discussions (Social Sciences & Humanities) (CTE228)

Wednesday, March 9, 2016 9:30 am - 11:00 am EST (GMT -05:00)

Location: EV1 241

Description: Discussion-based tutorials and seminars allow students to articulate their ideas, respond to their classmates' points, and develop skills in evaluating the evidence for their own and others' positions.  Initiating and sustaining lively, productive discussions are among the most challenging activities for a teaching assistant (TA). In this workshop, you will participate in small group discussions on issues such as how to start and guide a discussion, how to deal with problem situations and prevent the discussion from deteriorating, and how to encourage student participation. Groups will share their responses so we can all benefit from each other's experiences.


  • This workshop is primarily intended for TAs in arts, environment and applied health science who teach discussion-based tutorials/seminars.
  • Participants will receive an attendance credit if they arrive on time and stay until the end of the event.
  • Limited to 25.

Facilitator: Stephanie Verkoeyen, CTE



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