Welcome to the Opportunities and New Directions Conference (OND) 2012 web site.
For this year’s OND Conference: “Fostering Deep Approaches to Learning,” we’ve adopted a new approach and will feature both a “Sharing Practices” track, as well as a “Research” track. The Conference will feature an exciting array of sessions from across the disciplines. A variety of workshops, showcases of practices, and research presentations will be offered. Two plenary sessions with distinguished speakers will engage our thinking in new ways. A poster session will foster discussions around current questions of research and practice. A wine and cheese gathering will celebrate the day’s new connections.
While we hope you will register and join us for the entire day, everyone is welcome to attend the Presidents’ Colloquium morning keynote, “Bridging the Divide: Promoting Deep Learning by Integrating Research, Teaching,
and Learning.” This session will provoke our thinking about how best to integrate research from our disciplines into undergraduate teaching in ways that promote student learning. The afternoon plenary will be a live teaching showcase during which three of Waterloo’s outstanding faculty members draw us into their disciplines by teaching us a concept from their own courses.
The day will highlight the excellent work being done by our University of Waterloo colleagues and by our colleagues from local Universities to enhance teaching and learning. We welcome you to join us for an opportunity to share ideas and connect with colleagues, so that you return to your teaching feeling invigorated and inspired.
-- Trevor Holmes and Julie Timmermans, Centre for Teaching Excellence OND 2012 conference co-chairs
Registration Deadline: April 18, 2012. To take advantage of early-bird registration rates, non Waterloo participants should register by April 5, 2012.
For questions related to the conference please contact Julie Timmermans.
The final conference program is now available
- Pre-conference workshop (PDF) Registration for the conference is NOT required to attend this workshop
- Keynotes and Plenary Speakers
- Conference registraion (DOCX)
- Travel
- Accommodations
- Conference location (PDF)
- Conference prorgam (PDF)
- Conference abstracts (PDF)
- Call for proposals (PDF)
Visit our official conference website to learn about current and future conferences.
For questions about the conference, please contact Crystal Tse at the Centre for Teaching Excellence.
Previous conferences
Post-conference documents
S = Shared Practice R = Research
Presidents’ Colloquium
Marcy Slapcoff (McGill University) and Brad Wuetherick (University of Saskatchewan)
“Bridging the Divide: Promoting Deep Learning By Integrating Research, Teaching, and Learning” (PDF)
Break-out sessions
Session 101 | Session 102 | Session 103 (R) | Session 104 (R) (PDF) | Session 105 (R) (PDF) |
Assessing Innovative Practices: HEQCO’s “How To” Guide for Success Richard Dominic Wiggers Valerie Lopes | Integrating Engineering Courses - A Tale of 3 Instructors, 3 Courses, 4 TAs, 4 Lab Instructors, and 130 First-Year Mechatronics Engineering Students Mary Robinson Sanjeev Bedi Carol Hulls Sami Rahman Rayne Lang | Experiential Learning in Undergraduate Pharmacy Curriculum at the University of Waterloo Certina Ho Brett Morphy Atsushi Kawano | Using Student Feedback to Design a More Effective Clinical Biochemistry Course Component Andrea Edginton Mary Power Angela Stark Jane Holbrook | Short vs. Extended Answer Questions in Computer Science Exams Alejandro Salinger |
Session 106 (S) | Session 107 (R) | Session 108 (R) (PDF) | Session 109 (S) | Session 110 (S) (PDF) |
Teacher’s Reflections and Meaningful Experiences Building Community and Sharing Knowledge Bernie Murray | Learning of Evidence-Based Medicine and Critical Appraisal in Undergraduate Pharmacy Students: Effectiveness of Voluntary Student-Driven Journal Clubs Mary Power Certina Ho Olla Wasfi Brett Morphy Saurabh Patel Calvin Poon Boris Tong | Looking for Evidence of Deep Learning in International Economics Barbara Schmenk | Developing a Model for the Certificate in University Language Teaching Barb Bloemhof Svitlana Taraban-Gordon | Teaching Mentor Program Robert Sproule Greg Berberich Julie Timmermans |
Session 201 (PDF) | Session 202 | Session 203 (R) | Session 204 (S) (PDF) |
Wired and Deep: Is it Possible? Aldo Caputo Pia Marks Leeann Ferries Rudy Peariso Amelia Clarke | Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy and Policy: Implications for the Ontario Science Classroom Allison Ritchie Neil Ramjewan | Learning to Think Spatially: Identifying Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge in GIScience Education Su-Yin Tan Carina Xue Luo Dongrong Li James McCarthy | Team-Based Learning Patricia Hrynchak |
Session 205 (R) | Session 206 (R) (PDF) | Session 207 (R) (PDF) | Session 208 (R) |
Development of a Web-Based Evidence- Based Medicine Course Boris Tong Certina Ho | From the Agora to the Chinese Room: On Transferring Pedagogical Lessons Learned to New Contexts Shannon Dea | Online Patient Cases: A Study Combining Virtual and Live Cases in a Pharmacy Laboratory Mary Power Lisa McLean Lisa Craig | The Use of Smart Phone Technology to Facilitate Deep Learning En-Shiun Annie Lee |
Session 301 (PDF) | Session 302 | Session 303 (R) | Session 304 (S) | Session 305 (S) (PDF) |
Panel Discussion on Deep Learning Across the Curriculum Veronica Brown Oscar Nespoli Nancy Vanden Bosch Anne-Marie Fannon | Doctoral Students and a Learning Community: Opportunities for Community Building, Research, Reflection, and Meaningful Experiences Bernie Murray Pooja Dharamshi Eveline Houtman Julie Middleton | Co-Operative Education and Internship: Recent HEQCO Research on the Effectiveness of Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Richard Dominic Wiggers | Supplementary Course Modules – A Self-Directed Optional Component to Aid in Reinforcing Prerequisite Material Tina Balfour | Using Twitter to Enhance Communication and Engagement in Large Enrolment Classes William Power |
Session 306 (S) | Session 307 (S) (PDF) | Session 308 (S) | Session 309 (R) | Session 310 (S) (PDF) |
Investigating the Effectiveness of Drama as an Engagement Learning Methodology in an Integrated Therapeutics Course Tejal Patel Elaine Lillie Jennifer Roberts-Smith Nancy Waite | Measuring Change and Learning Effectiveness After Using a MATLAB Tool in First-Year Chemical Engineering Mary Robinson Luis Ricardez Raymond Legge | What is the Purpose of Lab Courses? Re-evaluating Chemistry Lab Practices Julie Goll | A Survey of Wiki Based Collaborative Learning Environments for Inter-disciplinary Training of Students in Math and Biology Rahul Rahul | Guiding Pharmacy Students to Adopt a Patient-Centered Practice: Exploring the Problem of Medication Non- adherence Vivian Lee Certina Ho |
Session 401 | 402 | Session 403 (R) | Session 404 (S) |
LEARN User Group Jonathon Histon and Jim Wallace, SYDE 348 – Engaging Students User-centred design focuses on engaging different stakeholders and users throughout the design process. Course instructors will show how they used LEARN tools to manage student projects, help encourage students to stay on top of course readings, and to get students to see and think about how user-centred design applies in their daily lives. In particular they will show how the use of a Twitter feed supported these goals and the advantages gained for both students and instructors. (con’t). Stefan Idziak, PHYS 112 - Self-Marked Assignments Self-marked assignments have been introduced into a first year physics course intended for student in the life sciences. The rationale behind this assignment will be discussed and a description of how this was incorporated into LEARN will be presented. Consequences to academic integrity will be described. Sara Ashpole, ENVS 131 and ENVS 195 - Lessons Learned Using Turnitin Turnitin plagiarism detection software can be used to assess students’ ability to cite correctly and write in their own words. Depending on the approach, online grading can facilitate individual assessment and group writing trends. Turnitin may also be used as an individual learning opportunity. Experiences will be shared about different approaches with two first year courses in environmental studies. | A Template for Online Overseas Collaboration in the Transcultural Classroom Grit Liebscher Christine Kampen Robinson | Strategic Pharmacy Education: A Needs-Driven Model Roderick Slavcev Jesslyn Tjendra Doris Cheung | Using Group Work & Peer Instruction to Enhance Students’ On- Campus Learning Experience in First Year Physics Joseph Sanderson Benji Wales Mary Power |
Session 405 (R) | Session 406 (R) | 407 | 408 | Session 409 (R) |
Success Mechanisms for STEM Student-Athletes Adam Neale | Game-Based Learning and Wittgenstein’s Language-Game Allison Cattell | Improving Higher Education in Developing Countries- Egypt Mohamed Hassan Ahmed | Lessons Learned Using Pre- and Post-Tests Tanya Noël | The Social Side of Critical Thinking Tim Kenyon |
- Virtual Laboratories in Chemical Engineering Education (R) Samira Masoumi (PDF)
- Using Visual Aids in Teaching (S) Tiffany C. Inglis
- Extending Hospital-Based Medication Incident Reporting to Continuous Quality Assurance in Community Pharmacy Practice and Undergraduate Pharmacy Training (S) Certina Ho Roger Cheng Calvin Poon
- Development of a Progress Index in an Undergraduate Nursing Program (S) Terry McCurdy Sarah Haliburton Mandy Thornton Cassandra Wintle Emily Gibbs Eileen Hanna Nancy Sinclair
- Promoting Intentional Learning through Social Media (S) Mihaela Vlasea Terry McCurdy Sarah Haliburton Mandy Thornton Cassandra Wintle Eileen Hanna Nancy Sinclair
A Multi-Tiered Qualitative Analysis of Student Learning in a Unique Community Service Learning Program (R) Nancy M. Waite Katie Cook Anita Abraham