Ask an Environment student

Environment students having a conversation

The best way to get to know a university program is to ask the people living the experience: current students! Send us your questions and we'll have an Environment student ambassador get back to you.

Suggested topics

  • What's your favourite thing about the program?
  • What are classes like?
  • Why did you choose your program?
  • What have your co-op experiences been?
  • How can I get involved and meet people?
  • What are the professors like?
  • What's the workload?
  • What's residence or the Environment Living Learning Community at United College like?

Once you submit your questions, we'll try to match you with a student in your program of interest. It may take five to seven business days to respond (since students have classes, assignments, and tests on the go). Students can't answer questions about admissions or your likelihood of being accepted into your program of interest.

Your date of birth is collected to confirm your identity and to match your information with an application record, if applicable. This information will be used solely for these purposes.
At this time, we're only able to text with North American phone numbers. By choosing this option, you agree to allow the Faculty of Environment to send you text messages (no spam, we promise!) We are not responsible for any additional charges you may incur. 
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