What I wish I knew in first year




Written by Sajni (she/her), student


As a residence don, I try to provide my community of students with the necessary resources they need to be successful in their first year. There are several services on campus that go underused and so many interesting things that have yet to be explored by students well past their first year!

I am guilty of this myself, as I wasn’t introduced to many of these resources until later in my undergrad. While I can’t go back in time, it’s now my responsibility to ensure that my students are aware of the many opportunities available to them around campus.

To help with this, I provided my students with a list of all the things I wish I knew in first year.

There's free tutoring in residence for first-year courses

Several courses offer evening sessions hosted by upper-year tutors to assist first-year students with their coursework and test prep, and they’re offered right in residence making them super convenient.

I don’t have to ask to go to the washroom in my classes

I was pretty excited about this one.

There are a lot of great food options on campus

I didn't learn about the Modern Languages Diner until third year, which meant I missed out on years of great milkshakes and burgers. I also recently found out that after midnight, the 24/7 Flock Stop in the Student Life Centre offers a 25% discount on its pick-up-and-go sushi and poke bowls.

There are hidden study spots on campus

For late risers like me, it’s a challenging ordeal to find study space in the main libraries on campus. But in my years of searching, I’ve discovered hidden gems such as the libraries in the University Colleges, the basement of the Quantum-Nano Centre, the quiet study room in Mathematics 3 and bookable study rooms in the Student Life Centre.

Map of campus

I wish I knew about the services offered by the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA)

The Bike Centre, the Glow Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity, the Campus Response Team, and the Student Food Bank are just a few of the student-run services operated by WUSA.

You don't have to be a pro athlete to join intramurals

There are many sports you can join even if you just want to be active and have fun. This was my casual intramural volleyball team!

Students at intramurals

It's okay to make mistakes

You have plenty of time to learn and grow from them!

Academic supports are available

Academic advisors and professors are a great resource when it comes to planning your degree and seeking academic advice, while AccessAbility Services provides individual support to ensure you are set up to succeed. We even have the Student Success Office, which is an entire office literally dedicated towards student success!

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