EDGE certificate program

What is EDGE?

EDGE is an academic certificate program for undergraduate students on the traditional (non-cooperative) track. Students who complete the certificate program will develop their professional skills, explore their career options and learn how to market themselves to employers.


How do I complete the EDGE certificate?

To complete the EDGE certificate, students must earn six credits in four different categories:

  • a skills identification and articulation workshop, in which students practice recognizing their skills and expressing them to employers in a confident, concise fashion;
  • a career development course, in which students develop core career-seeking skills and align their career goals with their values, skills and interests;
  • three work or community experiences, in which students explore a wide variety of opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom and reflect on their personal growth
  • and a capstone workshop, in which students tie everything together and develop an action plan for post-graduation success.

Does EDGE follow a formal sequence similar to co-op?

Not exactly - the program is designed to be flexible so that you can complete it at your own pace during academic terms, or during summer terms. You can also use many of the courses and experiences you’re already engaged in to complete the certificate.

Can I use past experiences to count towards the certificate?

To determine if you are eligible for certificate credit based on your academic history, please refer to the EDGE milestone eligibility page.

Do I need to see my advisor to register?

No - Students are welcome to register through the EDGE website as this program operates separately from your degree program.

For more information, visit the EDGE website