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Adil Al-Mayah
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Associate Professor, Associate Chair

Chris Backhouse
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Professor

Michael Barnett-Cowan
Kinesiology, Associate Professor, Associate Chair of Graduate Studies

[Waterloo News] September 25, 2018 "Virtual reality motion sickness may be predicted and counteracted"
[ScienceDaily] December 15, 2018 "Aging warps our perception of time, study finds"
[Record] October 12, 2017 "Aging slows perception of falls: UW study"
Jonathan Baugh
Chemistry, Professor, Quantum Information Graduate Program Director

[Waterloo Stories] September 29, 2013 "Waterloo researcher loves the hands-on side of quantum science"
Mike Beazely
School of Pharmacy, Associate Professor

Kostadinka Bizheva
Physics and Astronomy, Professor, Graduate Officer

Jack Callaghan
Kinesiology, Professor

Jordan Cannon
Kinesiology and Health Sciences, Assistant Professor

David Clausi
Systems Design Engineering, Professor, Associate Dean, Research & External Partnerships

[Daily Bulletin] June 1, 2018, 11 CBB Members Named Outstanding Performance Award Winners
[The Record] May 8,2018, have ties with a new Montreal sports analytics research lab in Kitchener
James Danckert
Psychology, Professor

Annemarie Dedek
School of Pharmacy, Assistant Professor

Clark Dickerson
Kinesiology, Professor

CBB Executive Director
Canada Research Chair in Shoulder Mechanics [Canada Research Chair Profile]
[Waterloo News] February 19, 2019 "How to make the push-up work for you"
[Waterloo Stories] October 7, 2013 "Reducing shoulder injuries in the workplace"
Paul Fieguth
Systems Design Engineering, Professor, Associate Vice President - Academic Operations

[Daily Bulletin] June 1, 2018, 11 CBB Members Named Outstanding Performance Award Winners
Marianna Foldvari
School of Pharmacy, Professor

[Global Impact] [CBC] April 30, 2018 "Working with gene therapy to treat glaucoma"
[Waterloo Stories] July 5, 2012 "Revolutionary drug delivery"
Nadine Furtado
Optometry and Vision Science, Associate Clinical Professor, Head of the Ocular Disease and Imaging Service

Lora Giangregorio
Kinesiology, Professor

Peter Hall
School of Public Health Sciences

Research interests:
- Brain Health
- Social neuroscience of eating
- Social neuroscience of addictions and mental health
Mobile brain imaging technology
Neuromodulation techniques
Recent Publications:
Todd Holyoak
Biology, Associate Professor

John Honek
Chemistry, Professor

[Daily Bulletin] June 1, 2018, 11 CBB Members Named Outstanding Performance Award Winners
Jennifer Hunter
Optometry and Vision Science, Associate Professor

Research interests:
- Cellular-scale retinal imaging and light safety for the eye.
- Pioneer of two-photon excited fluorescence imaging through the pupil of a living primate eye, which enabled my group to be the first to image translucent primate retinal ganglion cells in vivo.
- First to deploy in vivo fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscopy of the retina at the cellular scale in living human and non-human primate eyes.
Lyndon Jones
Optometry and Vision Science

Research Interests:
- Clinical trial design
- Contact lens performance
- Drug delivery
- Ocular biomaterials
- Proteins at interfaces
University Research Chair
Office of Research - Technology Transfer & Commercialization:
Karim Sallaudin Karim
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests:
Low-dose, low-cost x-ray imaging system (e.g. tuberculosis screening)
Circuit technology, Photon counting circuits for biomedical imaging
Large area digital medical imaging
Silicon Thin-film Applied Research
Device physics
Amorphous semiconductors and semiconductor devices
[Engineering News] November 12, 2018 "New X-ray technology to be tested on cancer patients"
[YouTube Lecture] September 30, 2014 "Bending the cost curve: Building a $1000 diagnostic X-ray imager for scalable and sustainable healthcare"
[Office of Research] "Paving the way for a digital X-ray and health-care revolution"
Nikolas Knowles

Research interests:
- Upper-extremity biomechanics
- Orthopaedic biomechanics
- Osteoarthritis
- Computational modeling
- Imaging
Jonathan Kofman
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- Biomedical systems & biomechatronics - rehabilitation, assistive devices, intelligent design of prostheses and orthoses, 3D body surface measurement
- Optomechatronics - computer vision (2D and 3D), range-image registration, range-sensing, range-sensor design, vision-based 3D surface measurement systems, optical system design, laser-camera range, sensor design, phase-shifting / fringe-projection 3D surface measurement systems, real-time full-field 3D imaging sensors / real-time full-field 3D surface measurement systems, hand-held 3D imaging sensors / hand-held 3D surface measurement systems, vision-based robot control, vision-based human-robot interfaces
- Robotics - robot teleoperation, robot vision, human-robot interfaces, human-robot interaction, human-guided robot learning, vision-based robot control (visual servoing), human-assistive/service robots
Office of Research - Technology Transfer & Commercialization:
Jonathan Kusins
Systems Design Engineering, Assistant Professor

Elise Laende
Systems Design Engineering, Assistant Professor

Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan
Optometry and Vision Science

Research Interests:
- Classical and visual optics
- Optical system design, science and engineering
- Psychophysics/human factors
- Visual perception, visual optics math modelling
- Biomedical image processing
[CBB researcher story] July 29, 2015 "Image processing to automate early glaucoma diagnosis"
Zoya Leonenko
Physics and Astronomy

Research Interests:
Biophysics of lipids and lipid-protein interactions
The role of structural changes and physical properties of lipid template in controlling biological processes and diseases
Biomedical nanotechnology (lipid films, molecular mechanism of Alzheimer's disease)
Drug development and delivery systems, antimicrobial peptides in lung disorders
Fluorescence and atomic force microscopy
Kelvin probe force microscopy and single molecule force spectroscopy
[Global Impact] May 2018, studying Alzheimer's at a molecular level to find a cure
[YouTube Lecture] October 1, 2014 "Scanning probe microscopy in biomedical research"
Peter Levine
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests:
Integrated microsystems for clinical and environmental monitoring
Combining complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuits with novel materials, structures, or devices to enable non-traditional life science and bio-diagnostic applications
CMOS-integrated biochemical assays
Semiconductor integrated circuits and sensors, design and test of 3D integrated circuits
Micro/nano fabrication, lab-on-a-chip devices
Electrochemical biosensors
DNA sequencing
Image sensors
Yuning Li
Chemical Engineering

Research Interests:
Development of organic materials and nanomaterials for printed and organic optical and electronic devices
- Environmentally stable polymer semiconductors for biological and chemical sensors in applications in smart food packaging, health care devices, wearable electronics, etc.
- Polymers derived from biologically active compounds for biological and biochemical sensors
- Electrically highly conductive polymers for thermoelectrics, batteries, and solar cells
- Low-temperature processable metal nanoparticle conductive inks
- P-type and n-type high charge carrier mobility small molecules and p-conjugated polymers for organic field effect transistors, which have applications in RFIDs and displays
- Novel synthetic chemistry for conjugated polymers
- Single-walled carbon nanotubes and graphene
Design, fabrication, and characterization of organic electronics
- Chemical/biosensors
- Organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) or organic filed effect transistors (OTFTs)
- Small molecule and polymer bulk-heterojunction photovoltaics (OPV) (solar cells)
- Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSC)
- Perovskite solar cells
- Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs)
- Photodiode and phototransistor based organic/polymer photodetectors
Office of Research - Technology Transfer & Commercialization:
Nima Maftoon
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- Medical device and diagnostic development for hearing and hearing loss
- Audiology and Otolaryngology
- Acoustic, Vibration, physiological and cadaveric measurements, animal models
- Aging, Biomechanics
Kaylena Ehgoetz Martens

Research interests:
- Aging and neurodegeneration
- Movement disorders
- Gait kinematics
- Neuropsychology and neurocognitive assessment
- Mood, emotion and cognition
- Fear, threat, anxiety and depression
- Virtual reality
Dale Martin

Research interests:
- Neurodegeneration
- Huntington Disease
- Autophagy
- Apoptosis
- Fatty acylation
Bill McIlroy

Research Interests:
- Neuroscience and neurological disorders
- Balance, gait, exercise
- Aging
- Understanding how the brain and other parts of the central nervous system control movements of the body
- Using advanced measurements systems to improve recovery time after a neurological injury (such as a stroke) and minimize age-related effects on movement control (such as reducing the risk of falling).
- Electroencephalography and electromyography
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation, magnetic resonance imaging, peripheral nerve stimulation
- Galvanic skin measurement
- Eye-tracker, motion analysis, and kinetic measurement
[Waterloo News] August 19, 2015 "Wearable technologies will improve stroke rehabilitation"
[Waterloo Stories] February 4, 2014 "Finding your way after a stroke"
Stewart McLachlin
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research interests:
- Biomechanics
- Orthopaedic surgery
- Implant design
- Bio-mechanical testing
- Computational modeling
- Computer-assisted surgery
Sean Meehan

Research Interests:
My research focuses on brain plasticity and the neural control of movement. I utilize non-invasive methods, like transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and electroencephalography (EEG), to study the neural correlates of performance and skill learning in healthy and clinical populations. In particular, my current focus is centred upon how different brain systems underlying motor control/learning interact to determine brain plasticity with an emphasis on enhancing stroke rehabilitation.
Katja Mombaur
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- human-robot interaction
- wearable robots
- rehabilitation robots
- intelligent assistive devices
- humanoid robots
- human movement analysis
- optimal control
- model-based control
- multibody systems modeling
Paul Murphy
Optometry and Vision Science

Research interests:
- Development of a thermal imaging system for the ocular surface
- Development of a tear evaporation sensing and measurement system
- Development of an ocular surface sensory neuroscience testing system
Ewa Niechwiej-Szwedo

Research Interests:
- Role of normal binocular vision in the development of fine motor skills
- Neuroplasticity resulting from abnormal binocular vision due to amblyopia and/or strabismus
- Multisensory integration during performance of complex manipulation tasks
- Gaze behaviour in complex environments
- Innovative assessment of pilot competency
- Effect of mild traumatic brain injury and post-concussion syndrome on oculomotor and cognitive functions
- Environmental and genetic interactions
Zhao Pan
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research interests:
- Fluid dynamics
- Bio-mechanics
- Micro-fluids
- Flow diagnostics
- Uncertainty quantification
- Velocimetry-based pressure measurement
- Cavitation
- Droplets and bubbles
- Jets
- Dynamics and controls
[Science Mag] June 6, 2016 "This desert moss can water itself with fog"
[Nature] June 08, 2016 "How desert moss drinks from air"
[PNAS] June 22, 2017 "Cavitation onset caused by acceleration"
Natoya Peart

Research Interests:
- RNA Biology
- Cell Biology
- Molecular Genetics
- Developmental Biology
Joe Quadrilatero

Research Interests:
The primary focus of the Skeletal Muscle Biology and Cell Death Laboratory is to study cell death processes (i.e., apoptosis and autophagy) in skeletal muscle. In addition, a major theme is the influence of mitochondrial signaling and dynamics on skeletal muscle development, function, regeneration, and health.
Omar Ramahi
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests:
Biomedical applications of electromagnetics
Electromagnetic compatibility, interference, propagation mechanisms
Material measurements, metamaterials and its engineering applications
Energy harvesting
Surface and subsurface detection using near-field microscopy
Electronic packaging
Radiating systems, theoretical and computational electromagnetics
Bruce Reed

Research Interests:
Molecular genetics
Cell and Developmental Biology
- Stem Cell Biology & Cellular Differentiation
- Programmed Cell Death
- Live-Imaging Microscopy
Carolyn Ren
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests:
Protein and DNA separation analysis towards disease diagnosis and drug discovery
Biosensing and Devices (bacterial, proteins, fluorescence)
Living cell analysis and water toxicity testing
Lab-on-a-Chip technology (point-of-care biomedical diagnosis , chemical detection, protein separation and identification, environmental testing)
Micro-scale fluid mechanics, droplet microfluidics and nanofluidics
- High Throughput Screening For Drug Screening
- Manufacturing Nanomaterials and Carbon Management
Canada Research Chair in Lab-on-a-Chip Technology [Canada Research Chair Profile]
[Waterloo Stories] June 14, 2012 "Creating the tiny future of science"
Parsin Haji Reza
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests
- Early Cancer Detection
- Eliminating Positive Surgical Margins
- Non-contact Biopsies for Endoscopy
- Functional Brain Imaging
- Early Detection and Understanding the Age-related Vision Loss Problems
- Wound Care
- Cardiovascular
- Machine learning/AI
Madjid Soltani
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Adjunct Assistant Professor

David Spafford

Research Interests:
Calcium channel analysis for target drug delivery for treatment of pain, arrhythmias, angina, and potential benefits in treatment of epilepsy and cancer.
Structure, function and pharmacology of calcium channels and sodium channels
Structure and function and analysis of NALCN cation channel and anti-calcium channel toxins
The Spafford Neurobiology Research Laboratory studies voltage-gated calcium channels, molecular physiology, biophysics, cell biology, protein biochemistry, fluorescence microscopy and tissue cultures.
[Science News] April 25, 2014 "Waterloo discovers a key regulator in the pacemakers of our brain and heart"
Daniel Stashuk
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
Electrophysiological characterization of neuromuscular disorders
Autonomous and knowledge systems
Machine perception and sensors
Image processing and analysis, pattern analysis and recognition
EMG signal decomposition, simulation and quantitative EMG and DQEMG
Biomedical engineering
Shirley Tang

Research Interests:
Nanomaterials, nanodevices, biosensors for applications in food processing, bioreactors and biotechnology, natural gas purification, fuel cell, and water purification
Nano-Bio Hybrids for Tissue Engineering and Medicine for drug delivery, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
Bio-molecule assisted nanomaterial self-assembly
Health and environmental effects of engineered nanomaterials
Ben Thompson
Optometry and Vision Science

Research Interests
- human visual cortex development and plasticity
- videogames for vision rehabilitation (amblyopia)
- vision loss treatments and rehabilitation
- diagnostics
- imaging
[YouTube] February 13, 2019 "Teaching an old brain new tricks" TEDxUW
Hamid Tizhoosh
Systems Design Engineering, Adjunct Professor

Ehsan Toyserkani
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests:
Tissue engineering and biodegradable implants for regenerative medicine (3D printing)
Bio-additive and microscale-additive manufacturing (opto-mechanical sensors, smart structures, developed through additive manufacturing)
Novel multi-scale additive manufacturing technologies for biomedical, oil/gas and manufacturing sectors
Laser-based fabrication techniques with particular focus on direct write processes in micro- and macro-scale
Modeling, sensing and real-time control of laser-based manufacturing techniques
University Research Chair
Canada Research Chair in Multi-Scale Additive Manufacturing [Canada Research Chair Profile]
[Office of Research News] May 8,2018 "Waterloo researchers named Canada Research Chairs"
[YouTube Lecture] May 6, 2014 "Additive manufacturing"
Office of Research - Technology Transfer & Commercialization:
James Tung
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests:
Rehabilitation engineering and assistive technologies (gerontology, Osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, fall risk in stroke survivors, and rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury)
Neuromotor control
Biomedical signal analysis
[Waterloo Stories] July 8, 2014 "GPS technology may help detect Alzheimer’s disease earlier"
Justin Wan
Computer Science

Research Interests:
- Medical imaging (processing, registration, cell segmentation, tracking)
- Computer simulations (biomedical, brain and soft tissue injury and biomechanics, architectural, remote sensing, natural phenomena, fine arts)
- Computational finance
- Scientific computing (numerical solutions of partial differential equations, iterative methods, and multigrid preconditioning, parallel computation on high performance platforms)
Canada Research Chair in Scientific Computing [Canada Research Chair Profile]
Zhou Wang
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests:
- Image and signal processing, coding and quality assessment
- Computational vision and pattern analysis
- Multimedia communications
- Biomedical signal and image processing
The Royal Society of Canada Fellow
University Research Chair
[Waterloo News] October 5, 2015 "Waterloo Engineer wins Emmy Award"
[Waterloo Stories] February 3, 2014 "Engineering professor awarded prestigious fellowship"
Office of Research - Technology Transfer & Commercialization:
Thomas Willett
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
Biomaterials and mechanics of biomaterials and tissues
Bone quality and fragility, collagen
Engineering of bone mimetic materials for skeletal reconstruction (3D printing)
Alex Wong
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
Biomedical image processing and analysis (prostate, breast, lung and dermatological cancer analysis, retinal photoreceptor and blood vessel analysis, musculoskeletal kinematic analysis
Remote sensing data processing and analysis (sea ice, underwater object, oil spill analysis)
Perceptual based video and image processing (noise reduction, compression, enhancement)
Computer vision and pattern recognition
Multimedia management systems
3D graphics and game development
Cognitive radio networks
Canada Research Chair in Medical Imaging Systems [Canada Research Chair Profile]
[Daily Bulletin] June 1, 2018, 11 CBB Members Named Outstanding Performance Award Winners
[Waterloo News] [CBC News] [Gadgets] May 16, 2018, Co-authors discuss the use of aerobic fitness data from wearable tech to predict illness
[Waterloo News] May 15, 2018 "Researchers combine wearable technology and AI to predict the onset of health problems"
[Global Impact] [570 news] [Youtube] April 11, 2018 "How AI is helping doctors diagnose Cancer"
[The Star] February 9, 2018 "How TheRedPin aims to take a swipe at the real estate industry"
[Waterloo News] June 7, 2017 "Artificial intelligence-driven imaging research makes diagnosing disease easier"
[Waterloo Stories] January 28, 2017 "Artificial intelligence and the Waterloo-Toronto tech supercluster"
[Waterloo Stories] May 20, 2016 "Breakthrough tech helps doctors more accurately diagnose cancer"
[CBB researcher story] January 9, 2013 "Improving Early Diagnosis to Save Lives"
[Waterloo Stories] January 9, 2013 "Making it harder for cancer to hide"
[YouTube Lecture] October 1, 2014 "Integrative systems for biomedical imaging and analysis"
Yimin Wu
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research interests:
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Materials Interfaces
- Energy Materials
- Solar Fuels
- CO2 reduction
- Ammonia synthesis
- Batteries
- Plastic recycling and upcycling
- In situ Multimodal Characterizations
- Artificial Intelligence
- Connectivity and Internet of Things
- Electronic and Photonic Materials
- Responsive Materials
- Neuromorphic Computing
- Flexible Electronics and Soft Robotics
- Sensing
- Healthcare
- Nanotechnology
Mustafa Yavuz
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Professor, Director, Graduate Nanotechnology Program

Alfred Yu
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests:
Ultrasound imaging innovations: Complex flow imaging, High-performance beamforming platforms, Flow phantom design
Therapeutic ultrasound discoveries: Sonoporation, Micro/nanobubble cavitation, Wave-matter interactions, Cellular dynamics studies
Jung-Ho Yu
Chemistry, Assistant Professor

Liza-Anastasia DiCecco
Systems Design Engineering, Assistant Professor