2021 Staff Research and Service

We are committed to sharing our expertise with colleagues on- and off-campus, and we value the best practices, new perspectives, and innovative strategies our research, teaching, and service efforts afford. 

Our staff members' educational research contributes to the evidence-based theories and practices that inform CTE's work. In 2020-2021, our staff received 2 research grants, published 5 peer-reviewed articles, and delivered 10 presentations at peer-reviewed conferences.


  • Morton, M. Staff Enhancement Grant toward editing a manuscript.

  • Stephenson, V. M., & Misener, K. E.. Practice-Informed Curriculum: Threshold Concepts in Nonprofit Sport Organizational Leadership. University of Waterloo LITE Seed Grant.


  • Racicot, Toben. 2023 Department of English Independent Graduate Instructor Award for Excellence in Teaching.  

Courses developed and/or taught

  • Archbell, Kristen. YC100 Introduction to Youth and Child Studies. Wilfred Laurier University.  

  • Burke, Julia. (Redeveloped in Summer 2022; Taught in Fall 2022). GED 100 Environmental Citizenship. Canadore College 

  • Lodoen, Shannon. (Fall 2022). Introduction to Academic Writing (ENGL 109).  

  • Lodoen, Shannon. (Winter 2023). Communication for Architectural Engineers (ENGL 191). 

  • Lodoen, Shannon. (Course Development). The Rhetoric of Smartphones (ARTS 130). 

  • MacAlpine, Rebecca. (Winter 2023). HIST 347: Witches, Wives, and Whores.  


Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

  • A. Idrees., M. Morton., G. Dabrowski., Advancing Extended Reality Teaching and Learning Opportunities Across the Disciplines in Higher Education. 2022 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), 2022, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.23919/iLRN55037.2022.9815897.  

  • Archbell, K. A. & Coplan, R. J. (2022). Too anxious to talk: Social anxiety, academic communication, and students’ experiences in higher education. Journal of Emotional and Behavioural Disorders, 30(4), 273-286.  

  • Raffoul, J., Ward, J., Calvez, S., Kartolo, A., Haque, A., Holmes, T., Attas, R., Kechego, J., Kustra, E., Mooney, J. (2022). Institutional structures and individual stories: Experiences from the front lines of Indigenous educational development in higher education. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 18(1), 163-172. https://doi.org/10.1177/11771801211062617  

  • Scholz, K.W. (2022). Digital Game-Based Language Learning in Extramural Settings. In H. Reinders, C. Lai & P. Sundqvist (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Teaching Beyond the Classroom. 

Other Publications

Invited Presentations/Workshops

  • Burke, J. (2022, November 23). Staff panel: integrating sustainability into campus roles. 2022 Eco Summit. University of Waterloo. 

  • Burke, J. (2022, October 27). Using iLearn templates to improve students’ learning experiences. Professional Development Symposium, Canadore College.  

  • Lithgow, K. (2022, August 25). Introduction to experiential Learning: moving from experiences to experiential learning. Khalifa University Professional Development Week. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
  • Power, M. (2023, March 6). Design approaches for blended learning: Using student feedback as a guide. Simon Fraser University. 

Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations & Posters

  • Allum, D., Andrade Pereira, D., Khan, S., Salim, S., Sanderson, J., Swanson, K., Brown, K., & Scholz, K. (2023, May). Co-Designing and Co-Teaching an Interdisciplinary Course on the Wicked Problem of Climate Change: Experiences of 6 PhD Candidate Instructors. Panel presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON. 

  • Brown, K., Archbell, K., & Sosa-Hernandez, L. (2023, May). Supporting Students while Supporting Ourselves: Studying the Impact of a Mental Health TA Training Module. Presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON. 

  • Burke, J. Wilson, K. Boyko, M. (2023, May 3). Facing the difficult: Developing learners’ empathy and resilience when teaching wicked problems. Presented at the University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference, Waterloo, ON. 

  • Carroll, H., Chittle, L., de Bie Das, A., Foster, C., McSweeney-Flaherty, J., Maher, P. T., McBride, B., McCollum, B., Barrette-Ng, I., Ostrowdun, C., Scholz, K., Sibbald, K., Tran, L., Woolmer, C., & Wuetherick, B. (2022). Perspectives and experiences of equity in the online domain during the pandemic: A multi-institutional study of Canadian Institutions. Oral presentation at The Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association Conference (Online Conference).    

  • Dabrowski, G & Morton, M. (2023, March). Extended reality OERs: Open and immersive learning. Presented at the annual Open Education Week, University of Waterloo.

  • Ellis, D.E., & Scholz, K. (2022, November). Developing a teaching innovation incubator: Thinking outside the box. Presented at the annual Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education conference, Seattle, WA.

  • McCollum, B., Barrette-Ng, I., Carroll, H., Maher, P. T., McSweeney-Flaherty, J., Woolmer, C., Wuetherick B., Chittle, L., de Bie Das, A., Foster, C., McBride, B., Ostrowdun, C., Scholz, K., Sibbald, K., Tran, L. (2022). Supporting Equity in Online Learning during COVID-19. Panel presentation accepted to the ISSOTL, Kelowna, BC, Canada.   

  • Morton, M. (2022, October). Adoption: Is this something you’ve been considering? Presented at the annual Keeping Well at Work series, University of Waterloo.  

  • Robinson, M., Lithgow, K., MacGregor, C. (2022, November). Joining Students on Their SLICCs Journey, Presented at the University of Waterloo

  • Turner, N., & Ellis, D.E. (2022, November). Re-imaging educational development practices: Integrating change theories in complex contexts. Presented at the annual Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education conference, Seattle, WA. 

  • Wong, G., Burke, J., Scott, S. (2023, May 31). Experiential Assessments for Sustainable Food Systems Education. Presented at the Canadian Association of Food Studies in Toronto, ON.

Committee Membership

Brown, Kristin 

  • Member, Undergraduate Communication Requirement Advisory Board 

  • Member, Undergraduate Communication Requirement Group 

Burke, Julia 

  • Staff representative, President’s Advisory Committee on Environment and Sustainability 

  • CTE representative, Sustainability Curriculum Integration Workgroup  

  • Member, Course Support Team (Mapping Analysis and Design – MAD) 

  • Member, Templates Working Group (Agile and CTE) 

Ellis, Donna 

  • Past President, Professional and Organizational Development Network 

  • Chair, Governance Committee, POD Network (started in June)  

  • President-Elect, International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED) 

  • Co-lead, ICED Website Redevelopment team 

  • Member, Complementary Teaching Assessment Project Team 

  • Co-chair, Teaching and Learning Spaces Operations Group and Member, Teaching and Learning Spaces Steering Group 

  • Member, Keep Learning Team, University of Waterloo 

  • Member, Edtech Ecosystem Steering group 

  • Co-lead, Teaching Innovation Incubator Planning Team and Project Team 

Morton, Mark 

  • Member, Open Education Week Committee 

  • Member, Video Delivery Platform Project 

  • Member, Educational Technologies Intake Committee 

MacAlpine, Rebecca 

  • Member, Open Scholarship Committee 

  • Member, Open Education Week Committee 

Power, Mary 

  • Co-chair STLHE STEM special interest group 

  • Member, Program Advisory Committee, General Arts and Science Program, Conestoga College 

  • Member, Copyright Steering Committee, University of Waterloo 

  • Member, Edtech Ecosystem Advisory Committee, University of Waterloo 

  • Member, Teaching and Learning Spaces Operations Committee, University of Waterloo 

  • Member, Keep Learning Team, University of Waterloo 

  • Member, Open Scholarship Advisory Committee 

  • Member, Outline repository advisory group 

  • Member, Open Education Week Planning Committee 

Scholz, Kyle 

  • Associate Editor, Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 

  • Educational Developer Grants Coordinator, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 

Stephenson, Veronica 

  • Member, Undergraduate Studies Implementation Working Group, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo 

  • Member, Biomedical Engineering Program Committee, Faculty of Engineering, University of Waterloo 

  • Member, Enhancing Assessment Practices Working Group, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo 

Editorial and Reviewing Contributions

Archbell, Kristen 

  • Proposal Reviewer, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference  

  • Reviewer, Teaching and Teacher Education 

  • Reviewer, Journal of Early Adolescence  

Brown, Kristin 

  • Proposal Reviewer, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference 

  • Proposal Reviewer, University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference 

Ellis, Donna 

  • Reviewer, Innovative Higher Education 

  • Reviewer, To Improve the Academy 

Power, Mary 

  • Proposal Reviewer, University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning Conference 

  • Proposal Reviewer, Western Conference on Science Education 

Scholz, Kyle 

  • Proposal Reviewer, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference 

  • Reviewer, Teaching & Learning Inquiry 

  • Reviewer, Contemporary Educational Technology 

Stephenson, Veronica 

  • Proposal Reviewer, Professional and Organizational Development Network Annual Conference 

  • Reviewer, International Journal of Academic Development 

Research and Service for Previous Years