LEARN Instructor User Group (CTE686)

Monday, December 7, 2015 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Location: EV1 241

Description: The Learn User Group event provides an opportunity for instructors to see examples of innovative ways that other faculty members are using LEARN on campus. Two instructors will present activities that they have created for their students in LEARN. They will discuss why incorporating the activities into an online environment enhanced the learning experience for their students and share their own experiences of creating and facilitating these activities. The session can be attended remotely via the following Livestream.


Title: Online elements ease challenges in a large, first year class

Zara Rafferty, REC 100

Zara Rafferty, an instructor from the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, will share the strategies she used this term to incorporate elements from her online REC 100 course into the on-campus offering of the course. Zara will discuss how using online lectures in REC 100 has addressed some of the challenges related to teaching a large class of first year students, as well as how students are assessed for their participation in the online course elements.

Title: Mini-lectures deliver the facts, class time delivers the hands-on practice

Carol Hulls, GENE 121

When presenting information or facts in a lecture, the role of the instructor is limited to that of a “talking head”, and there is no real need for students to be present together in the same place at the same time to take in these facts.  In the first year programming course given to Mechatronics and Mechanical engineering students, four hours of traditional lectures have been replaced with a series of short mini-lectures that deliver the basic facts necessary to be able to code programs. The students’ comprehension of the mini-lectures is assessed in LEARN by “drill and practice” style online quizzes. Carol Hulls will describe her experiences with this approach, how she can now use class time for hands on coding exercises and how she reuses the Camtasia generated mini-lectures year after year. 

Facilitator(s): Jane Holbrook (CTE), Zara Rafferty (AHS), and Carol Hulls (ENG)



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