Stephanie White hired to new CTE position
Dr. Stephanie White will be joining the Centre for Teaching Excellence as an Instructional Developer, TA Training and Writing Support on February 16, 2016.
Dr. Stephanie White will be joining the Centre for Teaching Excellence as an Instructional Developer, TA Training and Writing Support on February 16, 2016.
The Centre for Teaching Excellence is pleased to announce that Veronica Brown has assumed the newly created role of Senior Instructional Developer, Curriculum & Quality Enhancement, as of February 1. In this position, Veronica provides oversight and facilitative support for departmental and Faculty-wide curriculum planning initiatives.
Kyle Scholz, CTE's Liaison for the Faculty of Arts, is the winner of this year's Warren Ober Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Graduate Student in the Faculty of Arts. The Warren Ober Award is gra
Registration is now open for the University of Waterloo's annual Teaching and learning Conference on April 30, 2015.
This year's theme is "Making Teaching and Learning Visible: Clarifying and Communicating Teaching and Learning Processes".
At our last CTE staff meeting, and in festive preparation for the upcoming winter break, CTE staff created an "edible org chart": each staff member was randomly assigned the name of another staff member, and then decorated a gingerbread figure to represent the quintessence of that staff member. Those who felt that their ability to clothe gingerbread people was inadequate supplemented their icing-based haberdashery with a descriptive adjective. Here is the final product:
The Call for Proposals for the University of Waterloo's seventh annual Teaching and Learning Conference on Thursday, April 30, 2015 is now open.
This year's theme is "Making Teaching and Learning Visible: Clarifying and Communicating Teaching and Learning Processes".
The Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE) has a unique job opportunity open for a senior graduate student registered at the University of Waterloo. The position runs from January 2015 through December 2015.
The Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE) has a unique job opportunity open for two graduate students registered at the University of Waterloo from the following faculties: Mathematics, Engineering or AHS. The position runs from January 2015 through August 2015.