Integrative and Experiential Learning Series

The Integrative and Experiential Learning Series is an annual series of presentations that helps instructors develop opportunities for their students to engage in integrative learning (that is, learning experiences that help them make connections among their various courses and non-academic activities) and in experiential learning (that is, learning experiences that get students to "do" something that is relevant to a real-world problem and then reflect upon and apply what they have done). 

The goals of the IEL Series are as follows: 

  • to raise awareness about opportunities available to students to participate in experiential learning,
  • to share how students are making connections between learning in the classroom and learning that takes place outside the academic environment
  • to highlight best practices outlining what instructors can do in the classroom to help foster students’ abilities to make these connections and
  • to encourage new ideas about how experiential learning might be more often and effectively integrated into teaching and learning.

Contact Katherine Lithgow for more information. 

Presentations by Category