My experience working part-time for Food Services as a student:

Picture of Narthaki Kunaratnam

Hi, my name is Narthaki, and I used to work part time for UW Food Services at The Market (UWP). Food services for me was a fantastic opportunity to make some money whilst studying. The supervisors were extremely accommodating and flexible as they understood many workers were students. One thing I really enjoyed about working for Food Services was that the shifts were shorter hours making it easy to balance both school and work. I loved that the commute was just a short walk from either class or my apartment, so I was not wasting much time getting there. In addition to the short commute, the one free meal per shift was a great perk because as a busy student sometimes cooking and meal prepping can be hard. 

I learned many valuable skills and was able to build upon skills I already had during my time working for UWFS. For one, time management was a skill that I was able to work on as I had to balance work, school, and my social life. Moreover, I developed my teamwork, problem solving, communication, and multitasking skills during my time at UWFS. Some days we were short staffed and therefore I had to be quick on my feet and some days it was not as busy, so I had to find something to do. However the day went by, I had a great experience working there and had the opportunity to build my skills.  

At CMH there were many different stations that you could work at, and some included burrito, steam, grill, pizza, creation, booster juice, and cash. Due to all the different stations it was very hard to get bored because I got the chance to move around. Everyday I got to do something new and fun. My personal favorite station to work at was Booster Juice. Overall, I had a great experience working for Food services and would recommend it to any other students looking for a job.