Posts for the Topic nutrition

Unlock the Potential of Food

Unlock the potential of food with vegetables in the background

March is Nutrition Month! This month I want to inspire some excitement and celebrate all things food. For most of us, food and meals are a big part of our daily routines— providing the nutrients we need to function at our best. But food has the potential to be so much more than that, food can inspire creativity and bring people together. In this post I’ll be sharing some easy ways you can think a little differently about the potential of food.

Here are 4 easy ways you can unlock the potential of food every day:

Fad Diets Part 1: What is a fad diet and how do I spot one? 

Image of a juice. With the titles of Fad diet.

Fad Diets Part 1: What is a fad diet and how do I spot one? 

Nicole Pin, MAN, RD

With a weight and health obsessed culture, it’s no surprise that the diet industry makes billions of dollars each year preying on our desire for that ‘quick fix’ in place of a long term drive toward a healthy lifestyle.

Immunity Nutrition

Image of student carrying a tray of food with the words saying: How to boost your immune system

Immunity Nutrition

Nicole Pin, MAN, RD

Our immune system is our primary defense against potentially harmful pathogens and microorganisms, like the ones you might find in some of the common colds and coughs that always seem to surface this time of year. While there is no magic pill to prevent the common cold, a balanced diet can help boost immunity and ward off those nasty cold and flu germs.

So what nutrients should you focus on to build immunity?