January 2019

From Mindless Eating to Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating Tips

Let’s face it, you’ve opened a family sized bag of chips while watching Netflix and next thing you know it’s all gone... What just happened? It can be all too easy to mindlessly munch away without truly enjoying the foods we are eating. It's time to stop, slow down, and practice some mindful eating.

I went Plant-Based for a week! Here's what I found...

Plant VS Meat

One of the core values that we truly believe in and try to deliver here at UWFS is providing choice to our customers. We want to make sure that everyone has a variety of food options to choose from here on campus, whether that’s accommodating for allergens, diet restrictions, religious reasons, and even picky eaters! As a student myself, I wanted to see how true this was.

For an entire week I went plant based for my meals to find out just how many options there are for students, and let me tell you, I found some awesome lunches across campus!

A student’s guide on how to improve one’s diet with realistic food swaps.

Pineapple in residence cafeteria

I’ve struggled for many years to incorporate healthy food options. I hated the fact that I had to eat healthy food to survive because it is GoOd fOr YoUr HeAlTh. Eat fruits to get energy, eat vegetables to grow strong, drink milk for calcium, and the list goes on and on. Sigh, so many dietary rules and restrictions. I was always so discouraged to jump right onto restrictive diet routines that strips me of all the foods and flavours I love. What do you mean I can’t eat chocolate? What do you mean I can’t eat chips? What do you mean no more Coca Cola?

However, lately, I had to face the consequences of my poor eating habits. That’s when I decided things must change.

Craving Swaps

Craving swap options

Craving something? Maybe it’s sweet, crunchy or melt-in-your mouth. We all know the feeling, sometimes you just get that urge you can’t shake! And while there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a treat or two, if you find yourself looking for a healthy swap we’ve got the best of the best craving satisfiers in store for you!

UWFS Recipe Makeover: Thanksgiving Edition!

Thanksgiving Meal Makeover Recipes

I don’t know about you, but with all the hustle and bustle about Thanksgiving everything I am feeling pretty pumpkin spiced OUT! From the specialty drinks in my afternoon coffee shop, to the decorations littering every dollar store, grocery stop and restaurant, it’s safe to say the holiday season is officially here!

If you’re anything like me, you might be thinking about trying something new and fresh for your Thanksgiving meal this year. Maybe something that won’t end in multiple Pinterest fails and an emergency Chinese takeout order.

Have no fear! We’ve got you covered with a scrumptious (and foolproof) twist to that tired old Thanksgiving menu. PLUS, with this recipe lineup you’re sure to pack in LOTS of Ontario produce… tis the season to buy local after all!

FEAST your eyes on these delicious and healthy recipes to GOBBLE up this year for Thanksgiving!

SKIP THE LINE with the UW Food Services App!

UW Food Services App

Hungry but running late to class? Want to skip the long line at lunch time at Brubakers in SLC? Can the unnecessary waiting time be used to study for tomorrow’s exam, instead?

Then, I recommend downloading and using the recently launched UW Food Services app to pre-order food from BruBakers using a Student Watcard or a credit card to pay.

Eat Seasonal!

There are a lot of reasons to shop for seasonal produce. When we choose what’s in season locally, we supporting our community, and here in the Waterloo area that usually means lots of our nearby farming regions. We also tend to get higher quality taste and nutrition in produce that comes right from our backyard. This is because the fruits and vegetables are harvested at optimum ripeness. While it can be nice to have certain produce available year round, like California strawberries in January, we compromise on flavour and nutrition when food has to travel from far away.

What time is it? CHA TIME!

cha time logo

Move over coffee, here comes tea! After hearing the students' cries, shouts and yelps for the need for delicious bubble tea on campus, we've heard you and are SO EXCITED to share that the first CHA TIME will be opening on campus this fall! 

Located next to DC Bytes, it will be taking the spot of one of the Tim Hortons.  Cha Time will be offering a large assortment beverages including milk tea, green teas, smoothies, slush, and QQ Juice.  There will be toppings to add including pearls, grass jelly, pudding, coconut jelly and rainbow jelly! 

Davis Centre: Sushi...in so many ways!

Rolltation Logo

Our third concept going into DC BYTES is... ROLLTATION! 

Fun name! What's Rolltation all about? 

Rolltation is Toronto's premier sushi burrito restaurant, and we at University of Waterloo will have the FIRST Rolltation outside of Toronto...ever! 

So, it makes sushi burritos?  

Hydration 101

pouring fruit infused water into a cup

Hydration 101

Being well hydrated means that we are taking in enough fluids to replace those lost through sweat, breathing and normal body functions. This is especially important in the summer because heat and humidity can significantly increase fluid losses — especially if you’re spending a lot of time outdoors.

Davis Centre: Hakka What?

picture of ramen noodle bowl

This week we are so excited to share another station that will be featured in the new DC BYTES! Replacing the old burger station is.. Hakka Wok!


Hakka Wok! 

Hakka Wok will be a made to order noodle, stir fry, curry and noodle soup bar where you can get fresh, delicious and totally made for you Asian style meals. 

What are some of the dishes you'll be cooking up? 

Where did all the Tim Hortons go?!

Tim Hortons breakfast bagel and coffee

There were TWO Tim Hortons in the Davis Centre and now there are NONE, what is happening? 

In order to offer more choice and options to you, we are making some changes.  The Tim Hortons what was next to the old Bon Appetit (now DC BYTES) is being converted into a new beverage franchise.  We will update you more on that in the future. 

What's going on in the Davis Centre?

Davis centre study area

You may have seen the boarded up walls, you may have heard some banging around.  And now, BOTH Tim Hortons and Bon Appetit are closed! What's the deal? 

Food Services is working hard to bring you awesome, innovative and new concepts that will tickle your taste buds and leave you with that warm, full feeling we all crave. 

So, what's happening? 

Nutrition and Sleep Part 2: How to Eat for Better Sleep

Sleep & Nutrition Part 2

This is the second part of our blog series on Nutrition and Sleep. In our last post, we talked about how a lack of sleep can impact our appetite, energy and cravings. In this post we will review some tips for eating well for sleep.

Nutrition and Sleep Part 1: Sleep, Appetite and Energy

Sleep & Nutrition Part 1

This is the first of a 2 part blog series on Nutrition and Sleep. This first post, will talk about how sleep impacts our bodies from a nutrition perspective.

Food Waste Reduction through our Pay by Weight System

Man handing watcard to cashier in servery

According to the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Canada is one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to food waste. About 40% of the food produced in Canada is wasted, that’s $31 billion in food waste! This food waste further goes to landfills and generates methane, a gas that is 25 times more hazardous for the environment than carbon dioxide!

How can buying locally benefit the environment?

Fresh vegetables

Local food is food that is grown within a geographical region that is considered local to your specific area. This can be food grown in your city, neighbourhood, or home! There are various health and economic benefits of buying locally grown food. For instance, it promotes food safety and supports the local economy, but have you ever wondered how buying local could benefit the environment?

Environmental Benefits of a Vegan Diet

Green vegetables

Have you ever wondered how a plant-based diet could help combat global warming? The greatest contributor to the cause is human activity, to reduce this we often do small daily tasks such as taking the bus or walking to campus instead of driving, but changing your diet to one that’s vegan is a whole different way to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve water, and even protect habitats and species.

Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHGs)

Unlock the Potential of Food

Unlock the potential of food with vegetables in the background

March is Nutrition Month! This month I want to inspire some excitement and celebrate all things food. For most of us, food and meals are a big part of our daily routines— providing the nutrients we need to function at our best. But food has the potential to be so much more than that, food can inspire creativity and bring people together. In this post I’ll be sharing some easy ways you can think a little differently about the potential of food.

Here are 4 easy ways you can unlock the potential of food every day:

Fairtrade: How does it protect the environment?

Fairtrade coffee with poster that has logo

You’ve seen the Fairtrade Mark on most of the coffee and tea at our units, but have you ever wondered what it means, not only for people but the environment?

Source: Easybib.com

Fad Diets Part 2: What is a fad diet and how do I spot one?

Fad diets what is a fad diet? And how do I spot one? Read now

When someone offers a faster, easier way of doing something, most people are only too excited to jump on the bandwagon. Email has virtually replaced the need to ever send a letter, online shopping means less trips to crowded stores, and meal delivery kits take the guesswork out of dinner. 

Which is better: The classic clamshell or the eco-container?

Student filling eco-container with food

When it comes to take-out containers at our eateries, the classic clamshell is often the choice most people make. From pizza to pasta and salads to sandwiches, the clamshells we provide keep food fresh and delicious for eating.

Fad Diets Part 1: What is a fad diet and how do I spot one? 

Image of a juice. With the titles of Fad diet.

Fad Diets Part 1: What is a fad diet and how do I spot one? 

Nicole Pin, MAN, RD

With a weight and health obsessed culture, it’s no surprise that the diet industry makes billions of dollars each year preying on our desire for that ‘quick fix’ in place of a long term drive toward a healthy lifestyle.

Immunity Nutrition

Image of student carrying a tray of food with the words saying: How to boost your immune system

Immunity Nutrition

Nicole Pin, MAN, RD

Our immune system is our primary defense against potentially harmful pathogens and microorganisms, like the ones you might find in some of the common colds and coughs that always seem to surface this time of year. While there is no magic pill to prevent the common cold, a balanced diet can help boost immunity and ward off those nasty cold and flu germs.

So what nutrients should you focus on to build immunity?