The Campus Athletics Research Network (CARN) is currently recruiting students to address the following research questions:
- What role does campus recreation participation play in students who are transitioning into the University of Waterloo?
- Is there a relationship between the perceived “attractiveness” of recreational facilities and campus recreation participation?
- What is the relationship between campus recreation participation and overall university satisfaction?
- What is the relationship between varsity sport participation and overall university satisfaction?
- What outcomes (broadly defined) are associated with participation in varsity sports?
- Are there relationships between involvement in campus recreation activities and attendance at varsity games?
- Do personal trainers who possess standardized CanFit Pro certification differ than those with Kinesiology degrees in terms of service delivery or experiential outcomes?
The CARN also encourages student-initiated research questions and projects. Please contact Ryan Snelgrove for more information on how to submit a research proposal.