Posts for Faculty

Easy Ways to Move from Home

It can be really difficult to find ways to exercise from home but luckily, there are lots of little ways to incorporate movement into your day. Here are some easy ways to get active without going to the gym:

1. Do some yoga.

There are tons of great YouTube videos to help you learn yoga and you don’t even necessarily need a yoga mat!

Easy Desk Stretches for Working From Home

Working and studying from home can be really hard on your body and mind, so it is important to try and move around a bit each day. Walking around your work space while on the phone or standing while eating a snack are easy ways to become a little less sedentary. As well, stretching a little bit each day can help you avoid things like "tech neck" and back pain. Here are some easy stretches you can do from your desk!

1. Tricep stretch

Social Distancing and Your Mental Health

take care of yourself

With all that has changed in our daily lives over the past week, you might be starting to notice some changes to your mood, as social distancing and social isolation become the “new normal." Perhaps you are feeling more lonely, on edge, disconnected and even becoming anxious when worrying about the uncertainty of the future.

Managing your anxiety and stress during COVID-19

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Your social media feeds, news outlets and email inbox have probably been flooded with COVID-19 updates. For many of us, the uncertainty of COVID-19 and the disruptions it has caused to daily life might be causing feelings of anxiety and stress. While these feelings are normal to experience—feelings of worry should not consume your life.