Eight LITE seed grants awarded to innovative teaching projects; Applications for next funding round due June 1
The Office of the Associate Vice President, Academic and the Centre for Teaching Excellence are pleased to announce the recipients of the latest round of Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) seed grants:
- Assessing Lifelong Learning in Work-Integrated Learning Reflections and Student Self-Assessments, Judene Pretti, Bob Sproule, and David Drewery
- Assessing the Learning that Occurs with Arts-Based Pedagogy: Learning About Social Justice, Trish Van Katwyk, Amir Al-Azraki, and Soheila Kolahdouz Asfahani
- Closing the Collaborative Skills Gap: Assessing the Effectiveness of a University-Wide Course Designed to Teach Students How to Collaborate in Diverse Groups, Kathryn Plaisance and Christine Logel
- Development and Assessment of Project-Based Laboratory in Chemical Engineering, Mingqian (John) Zhang, Cheryl Newton, Jason Grove, Mark Pritzker, and Marios Ioannidis
- Evaluating Comics as Pedagogical Tools in an Undergraduate Mathematics Course, Dan Wolczuk, Amanda Garcia, Joslin Goh, and Giuseppe Sellaroli
- Second Language Pronunciation Learning at a University Level, Svetlana Kaminskaïa and Dominique Louër
- Tackling Weight Bias in the Classroom: Developing Capacity for Weight-sensitive Instruction among Educators and Learners at the University of Waterloo, Rhona Hanning, Amanda Raffoul, Rachel Acton, Kirsten Lee, Katie Burns, and Katelyn Godin
- Teaching and Learning with Controversial Issues in Diverse Postsecondary Classrooms, Christina Parker
Two rounds of seed grant funding are available each year, and the next annual deadline is fast approaching: June 1.