Recommended major courses

If you're thinking about declaring a major, the best way to get to know different subject areas is by taking courses!

Who is this page useful for?

  • Current students in Liberal Studies who want to declare a major
  • New, upper-year transfer students

Required Courses

  • All incoming transfer students must take two Arts First courses to help build foundational competencies in communication and analysis during your first year at university, with a focus on practice-based learning. Class size is limited to 25 students.
    • ARTS 130 - Inquiry and Communication
    • ARTS 140 - Information and Analysis
  • We offer numerous topic courses each term, based upon four themes. You will add one of ARTS 130 or 140 (can be taken in either order, but not simultaneously) in each term of first year after your Fall term schedule is posted. Enrolment in ARTS 130 and 140 starts on Thursday, July 30 at 9 am.




Start with:

Fall Term courses:

  • ANTH 100 or ANTH 106
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives

Winter Term courses:

  • ANTH 201 or ANTH 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Three electives

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • Two of:
    • ANTH 201
    • ANTH 202
    • ANTH 204
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Two electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • Two of:
    • ANTH 201
    • ANTH 202
    • ANTH 204
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Two electives

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Anthropology courses listed, contact the Anthropology advisor for advice.

Classical Studies

Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • One of CLAS 100, CLAS  104 or CLAS 105
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Two or three electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • One of: CLAS 104 or CLAS 123
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Three electives

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • CLAS 242
  • CLAS 251
  • CLAS 232
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One elective

Winter Term Courses:

  • CLAS 252
  • A 200-level CLAS courses
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Two electives

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Classical Studies courses listed, contact the Classical Studies advisor for advice.


Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • One of CLAS 100, CLAS  104 or CLAS 105
  • LAT 101 and/or GRK 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One or two electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • One of: CLAS 104 or CLAS 123
  • LAT 102 and/or GRK 102
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One or two electives

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • CLAS 242
  • LAT 201 and/or GRK 201
  • CLAS 252
  • CLAS 232
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140

Winter Term Courses:

  • CLAS 251
  • A 200-level CLAS course
  • LAT 202 and/or GRK 202
  • A 200-level CLAS course
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Classical Studies and Classics courses listed, contact the Classical Studies advisor for advice.

Communication Arts and Design Practice

Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • One of: SPCOM 101 or SPCOM 149
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • One of: SPCOM 101 or SPCOM 149
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Three electives

Note: Communication Arts and Design Practice includes courses in SPCOM (Speech Communication), THPERF (Theatre and Performance) and DAC (Digital Arts Communication). DAC courses are not taken by first year students.

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • One of: DAC 201, DAC 203 or DAC 204
  • One of: SPCOM 220, SPCOM 226 or SPCOM 228
  • THPERF 200 (or THPERF 102 if not yet completed)
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Two electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • One of: DAC 201, DAC 202 or DAC 203
  • One of: SPCOM 220, SPCOM 226 or SPCOM 228
  • THPERF 300 (or THPERF 100 if not yet completed)
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One elective

Note: 200-level DAC courses and SPCOM 220, SPCOM 226, SPCOM 228 are offered in multiple terms per year so if you cannot take it in the Fall term, please try again for Winter or Spring

Communication Studies

Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • SPCOM 100 or SPCOM 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • One of: SPCOM 100, SPCOM 101 or SPCOM 223

  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Three electives

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • Two of: SPCOM 220, SPCOM 226, SPCOM 228
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Two electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • One of: SPCOM 220 or SPCOM 228
  • One or more SPCOM or DAC courses at the 200 or 300-level
  • Second SPCOM course at the 200 or 300-level or elective
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One elective

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Communication Studies courses listed, contact the Communication Studies Advisor for advice.

Please note: SPCOM is now COMMST.


Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • ECON 102
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Three electives

Note: If you have not taken or struggled in 4U Advanced Functions and Introductory Calculus or 4U Calculus and Vectors you should take MATH 103 and MATH 104 in your first year. If you can only take one of the Math courses, take MATH 104 in the Fall term. MATH 103 and MATH 104 are offered in both the Fall and Winter terms.

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • ECON 211
  • ECON 221
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Two electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • ECON 290
  • ECON 322
  • ECON Elective
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One elective

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Economics courses listed, contact an Economics advisor for advice.

Mathematical Economics

Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • ECON 101
  • MATH 127
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Two electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • ECON 102
  • MATH 128
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Two electives

If you've received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • One of STAT 220, 230 or 240
  • One of MATH 106, 136 or 146
  • One of MATH 207,237 or 247
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Arts breadth elective

Winter Term Courses:

  • ECON 290
  • Required CS course
  • One of: STAT 221, 231, 241
  • One of CO 227, 250, 255 or elective
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Economics courses listed, contact an Economics advisor for advice.

English Literature

Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • ENGL 101A or ENGL 101B (recommended), or one 100-level ENGL course
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives (some can be 200-level ENGL courses)

Winter Term Courses:

  • ENGL 101A or ENGL 101B (recommended), or one 100-level ENGL course
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Three electives (some can be 200-level ENGL courses)

Note: If you plan to major in English you may only count two 100-level courses toward your major requirements, including any ENGL transfer credits (e.g. ENGL 1XX). If you have ENGL transfer credit, please contact an English advisor for advice.

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • ENGL 200A 
  • One 200-level ENGL course (see Note)
  • One 200-level ENGL course or Elective
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One elective

Winter Term Courses:

  • ENGL 200B​ or ENGL 200C
  • ENGL 251
  • One 200-level ENGL course
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One elective

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the English courses listed, contact an English advisor for advice.

English Literature and Rhetoric

Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • ENGL 101A or ENGL 101B (recommended), or one 100-level ENGL course
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives (some can be 200-level ENGL courses)

Winter Term Courses:

  • ENGL 101A or ENGL 101B (recommended), or one 100-level ENGL course
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Three electives (some can be 200-level ENGL courses)

Note: If you plan to major in English you may only count two 100-level courses toward your major requirements, including any ENGL transfer credits (e.g. ENGL 1XX). If you have ENGL transfer credit, please contact an English advisor for advice.

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • ENGL 200A​
  • ENGL 292
  • One 200-level ENGL course
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One elective

Winter Term Courses:

  • ENGL 200B​ or ENGL 200C
  • ENGL 251
  • One 200-level ENGL course or Elective
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One elective

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the English courses listed, contact an English advisor for advice.

English Rhetoric, Media & Professional Communication

Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • ENGL 101A or ENGL 101B (recommended), or one 100-level ENGL course
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives (some can be 200-level ENGL courses)

Winter Term Courses:

  • ENGL 101A or ENGL 101B (recommended), or one 100-level ENGL course
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Three electives (some can be 200-level ENGL courses)

Note: If you plan to major in English you may only count two 100-level courses toward your major requirements, including any ENGL transfer credits (e.g. ENGL 1XX). If you have ENGL transfer credit, please contact an English advisor for advice.

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • ENGL 200A​ (or 200B or ENGL 200C in Winter, see Note 1)
  • ENGL 292
  • One of: ENGL 210E, 210F, 210G, 210H, 210I, 210J (See Notes)
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One elective

Winter Term Courses:

  • ENGL 200B​ or ENGL 200C (see Note 1)
  • ENGL 251
  • One of: 210E, 210F, 210G, 210H, 210I, 210J (if not taken in fall) or Elective
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One elective

Notes: RMPC majors only require one of 200A (offered F22), 200B or 200C (both offered W22). Students can take both/all courses if they wish.

The 210 series offerings vary by term, so students may take it in either term. Students only need one of these 210 courses to graduate.

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the English courses listed, contact an English advisor for advice.

Fine Arts/Studio Practice

Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • FINE 100
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • FINE 101/VCULT 101
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Two electives

Note: FINE 150 does not count towards the Fine Arts Studio major or minor plans. Do not take it if you plan to major or minor in Fine Arts Studio Practice.

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • FINE 209
  • Two 200-level studio courses
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One elective

Winter Term Courses:

  • Two 200-level studio courses
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Two electives

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Fine Arts courses listed, contact the Fine Arts advisor for advice.

Fine Arts/Visual Culture

Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • VCULT 100/FINE 102

  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • VCULT 101/FINE 101

  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Three electives

Note: If you plan to take studio courses as part of the Visual Culture plan, you should include FINE 100 in either Fall or Winter of first year.

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • VCULT 100/FINE 102 or a VCULT approved course (see Note)

  • VCULT 300
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Two electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • VCULT 101/FINE 101 or VCULT approved course (see Note)

  • VCULT approved course
  • VCULT approved course
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Elective

Note: If not taken in 1st year, take VCULT 100/FINE 102 in 2A and take VCULT 101/FINE 101 in 2B.

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the courses listed, contact the Fine Arts advisor for advice.

Gender and Social Justice

Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • GSJ 101
  • GSJ 200-level elective
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Two electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • GSJ 102
  • GSJ 200-level elective
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Two electives

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • GSJ 203
  • GSJ 200-level elective
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Two electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • GSJ 302 or GSJ 304
  • GSJ 200-level elective
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Two electives

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Gender and Social Justice courses listed, contact the Gender and Social Justice advisor for advice.


Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • One of: GER 101 (if no German language knowledge), GER 102 or GER 201
    • The GER course you should take from this list depends on your previous level of study. Check the prerequisites for GER courses in the Undergraduate Calendar.
  • CI 100 or GER 100
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Two electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • GER 102 or GER 201 and/or GER 303 (depending on level of Fall term course)
  • GER 120 or GER 200/CI 200
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Two electives

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • One of GER 101 (if no German language knowledge), GER 102, GER 201 (depending on German language proficiency)
  • GER 250 or GER 350 ((depending on German language proficiency)
  • GER elective
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One elective

Winter Term Courses:

  • One of GER 102, GER 201, GER 201 and/or GER 303 (depending on German language proficiency)
  • GER 200/CI 200 (or elective if already completed)
  • GER 272
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One elective

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the German and Germanic Studies courses listed, contact the German advisor for advice.


Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • One first-year (100-level) HIST course
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • One 100-level HIST course
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Three electives

Note: If you plan to major in History, you may only count two 100-level courses toward your major requirements.

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • HIST 250
  • One HIST 2XX field course (see Note)
  • HIST elective, field, or specialization course, OR Elective
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One elective

Winter Term Courses:

  • One HIST 2XX field course (see Note)
  • One HIST 2XX field course (see Note)
  • HIST elective, field, or specialization course, OR Elective
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One elective

Note: If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the History courses listed, contact the History advisor for advice.

Note 1: Take HIST 250 and three 'fields' courses (one from each of three different fields) during second year. You may take more fields courses if you wish; three is the minimum.

Note 2: Degree requirements checklist (including optional specializations) is available on the History website.

Legal Studies

Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • LS 101
  • SOC 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Two electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • One or two 200-level LS course
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Two or three electives

Note 1: You should also consider taking PSCI 100 and PSYCH 101. They are not Legal Studies major courses but are pre-requisites for some LS courses.

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • LS 200-level elective
  • LS 200-level elective
  • SOC 101 (if not completed in first year) or LS 221
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One elective

Winter Term Courses:

  • LS 221(if not taken in fall) or elective
  • LS 200-level elective
  • LS 200-level elective
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One elective
  • See Note

Note: LS 280 is no longer required for this plan but it is highly recommended that you take it. 

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Legal Studies courses listed, contact the Legal Studies advisor for advice.

Liberal Studies

Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • 100 level course from Faculty of Arts/prospective minor
  • 100 level course from Faculty of Arts
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Two electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • 100 level course from Faculty of Arts/prospective minor
  • 100 level course from Faculty of Arts
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Two electives

Note 1: All courses offered by the Faculty of Arts will be used in the calculation of Liberal Studies cumulative major average. 

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Four Faculty of Arts courses (see Note)

Winter Term Courses:

  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Four Faculty of Arts courses (see Note)

Note: Faculty of Arts courses, and courses at the 200-level are required for Liberal Studies students.

Learn more about Liberal Studies plans plans and their requirements. If you are unsure about your courses, ask your Liberal Studies academic advisor for guidance. 

Medieval Studies

Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • MEDVL 105
  • MEDVL 115
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Two electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • Language course (see Note)
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Language Course (see Note)
  • Two or Three electives

Note: You should consider taking an introductory language course in French (FR), German (GER), Italian (ITAL), Latin (LAT), Russian (RUSS), or Spanish (SPAN) during your first year.

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • Three of: MEDVL 205/CLAS 205, MEDVL  252, MEDVL 260/HIST 260, MEDVL 250R/SI 250R, CLAS 202, CLAS 220/PHIL 220J, CLAS, 231, 232, 242/FINE 242, CLAS 252/HIST 252, GRK 201/RS 223, ENGL 200A, 208A, FINE 212, 214, MUSIC 253, HIST 211, 235/RS 240, 236/LS 236, LAT 201, FR 291, 296, GER 230, 271, ITAL 201, ITALST 291, PHIL 207J, PHIL 283/CLAS 261, RS 250
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • Three of: MEDVL 205/CLAS 205, MEDVL  252, MEDVL 260/HIST 260, MEDVL 250R/SI 250R, CLAS 202, CLAS 220/PHIL 220J, CLAS, 231, 232, 242/FINE 242, CLAS 252/HIST 252, GRK 201/RS 223, ENGL 200A, 208A, FINE 212, 214, MUSIC 253, HIST 211, 235/RS 240, 236/LS 236, LAT 202, FR 291, 296, GER 230, 271, ITAL 202, ITALST 291, PHIL 207J, PHIL 283/CLAS 261, RS 250

  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One elective

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Medieval Studies courses listed, contact the Medieval Studies advisor for advice.


Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • MUSIC 110
  • MUSIC 270
  • 1 elective or MUSIC 226 and MUSIC 116 (see Note)
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Elective

Winter Term Courses:

  • MUSIC 271
  • MUSIC 226 and MUSIC 116 or MUSIC 227 and MUSIC 117 (see Note)
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Two electives

Note:  Your music ensemble course is a 0.25 unit credit and can be taken as a sixth course. Music ensembles and studio courses (MUSIC 226 and 227) require an audition prior to the first day of classes. MUSIC 226 must be completed in first year.

If you have taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • MUSIC 370

  • Two or Three of the following:

    • One Music History course (MUSIC 25X
    • One Global Music course (MUSIC 232 or 233)
    • Music Studio course and Music Ensemble (0.25 units) co-requisite (see Note 1))
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Elective

Winter Term Courses:

  • Two or Three of the following:

    • One Music History course (MUSIC 25X
    • One Global Music course (MUSIC 233 or 232)  
    • Music Studio course and Music Ensemble (0.25 units) co-requisite (see Note 1)
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Elective

Note: Your music ensemble course (0.25 unit) can be taken as a sixth course. All Music Studio courses (such as MUSIC 226 and 227) are taken in conjunction with a Music Ensemble course. Music Ensemble and Music Studio courses require an audition prior to the first day of classes. Check the list of ensembles to sign up for an audition. For Studio auditions visit the auditions page

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Music courses listed, contact the Music advisor for advice.

Peace and Conflict Studies

Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • One of PACS 101 or one 200-level PACS course
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • One 200-level PACS course
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Three electives

Note: You should also consider taking PSYCH 101, SOC 101, or PSCI 150. They are pre-requisites for required upper-year PACS courses. These courses are not included in a student’s PACS major average.

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • One of: PACS 201, PACS 202  or PACS 203 (if you haven’t already taken two of the PACS 200-level courses)
  • One 300-level PACS course
  • One PACS approved course from another discipline (see list in the Undergraduate Calendar for your PACS major).
  • Another PACS approved course from another discipline OR an elective OR an Arts BA Breadth course
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140

Winter Term Courses:

  • One of: PACS 201, or PACS 202 (if you haven’t already taken two of the PACS 200-level courses)
  • One 300-level PACS course
  • One PACS approved course from another discipline 
  • Another PACS approved course from another discipline OR an elective OR an Arts BA Breadth course
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Peace and Conflict Studies ourses listed, contact the Peace and Conflict Studies advisor for advice.

You should also consider taking PSYCH 101, SOC 101, or PSCI 150. They are pre-requisites for required upper-year PACS courses. These courses are not included in a student’s PACS major average.


Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • One 100-level  PHIL course
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • One 100-level  PHIL course
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Three electives

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • PHIL 240
  • PHIL Elective
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One elective

Winter Term Courses:

  • PHIL 221
  • PHIL 251
  • PHIL 283 or PHIL 284 (see Note)
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Two electives

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Philosophy courses listed, contact the Philosophy advisor for advice.

Note: You should take at least one of PHIL 283 or PHIL 284 in your second year.

Political Science

Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • PSCI 100
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • PSCI 150
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Three electives

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • PSCI 225 (or PSCI 226 in Winter)
  • Two 200-level PSCI courses
  • ARTS 280 (theory or methods requirement - may also be taken online in spring or in 3A) or elective
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One elective

Winter Term Courses:

  • PSCI 226 (if theory/methods course not completed in fall) or Elective
  • Two 200-level PSCI courses
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Elective

Notes: Either PSCI 225 or PSCI 226 satisfy the theory and methods requirement.

Students interested in a PSCI specialization must contact the Political Science advisor.

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Political Sciences courses listed, contact the Political Science advisor for advice.


Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • PSYCH 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • One of PSYCH 207, PSYCH 211, PSYCH 238, PSYCH 253, PSYCH 257 or PSYCH 261
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130 
  • Three electives

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • PSYCH 291
  • Two PSYCH discipline core (See Note 1)
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Elective or MATH 103 (See Note 2)

Winter Term Courses:

  • PSYCH 292
  • Two PSYCH discipline core (See Note 1)
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One elective

Note 1: PSYCH discipline core courses include: PSYCH 207, 211, 238, 253, 257, 261. 
Note 2: If you do not have the Math pre-requisite for PSYCH 292, take MATH 103 as an elective in Fall 2020. See Psychology website for Math background details. 

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Psychology courses listed, contact the Psychology advisor for advice.

Religious Studies

Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • RS 260
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • One 100-level or 200-level RS course
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Three electives

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • RS 200-level elective
  • RS 200-level elective
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Two electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • RS 200-level elective
  • RS 200-level elective
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Two electives

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Religious Studies courses listed, contact the Religious Studies advisor for advice.

Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies

Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • SMF 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • SMF 204
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Three elective

Note: Students are encouraged to take one of: PSYCH 101 or SOC 101. These courses are pre-requisites for upper-year SMF Approved courses. These courses are not included in a student’s SMF major average.

If you have some transfer credit and are admitted at the 1B level, you can take SMF 204 in the Fall term.

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • SMF 208
  • SMF 220
  • SMF 205
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One elective

Winter Term Courses:

  • SMF 207
  • SMF 230
  • SMF 200- or 300-level course or one course from
    the ‘five additional courses' section of the SMF plan
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One elective

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies courses listed, contact the Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies advisor for advice.

Social Development Studies

Course Sequence for students in Regular stream

In the Fall take:

  • SDS 250R or SDS 251R
  • One SDS elective
  • One SDS elective
  • COMMST 204
  • One of HIST 113 or PSCI 231
  • See Notes

In the Winter take:

  • SDS 250R or SDS 251R
  • One SDS elective
  • ARBUS 200
  • ENGL 210F
  • ​Elective
  • See Notes

Note: Make sure you've completed all SDS required courses: PSYCH 101R/101, SOC 101R/101, SDS 131R, SDS 150R, SOCWK 120R, and PSYCH 253/253R. If not, then take them instead of electives.

Not all PSYCH and SOC courses count towards the SDS plan. Please check the list of approved courses

Consider choosing electives towards an SDS specialization or a double major or minor in another subject.

Reminder: Students are expected to complete ARTS 130 or ARTS 140 by the end of their 2A term. If not completed by their 3A term, a hold will be placed on the student’s account, preventing self-enrolment in courses for the following term.

Course Sequence for students in Co-op stream

In the Fall take:

  • SDS 250R or SDS 251R
  • One SDS elective
  • One SDS elective
  • COMMST 204
  • ARBUS 200 or one of HIST 113 or PSCI 231
  • PD 1 (this required non-credit course will be added to your schedule for you)
  • See Notes

In the Winter take:

  • Work term
  • PD 12 Reflection and Learning in the Workplace

In the Spring take:

  • SDS 250R or SDS 251R
  • One SDS elective
  • ARBUS 200 or HIST 113 or PSCI 231 (if one of HIST 113 or PSCI 231 not already taken in Fall)
  • ENGL 210F
  • ​Elective
  • See Notes

Note 1: Make sure you've completed all SDS required courses: PSYCH 101R/101, SOC 101R/101, SDS 131R, SDS 150R, SOCWK 120R, and PSYCH 253/253R. If not, then take them instead of electives.

Not all PSYCH and SOC courses count towards the SDS plan. Please check the list of approved courses

Consider choosing electives towards an SDS specialization or a double major or minor in another subject.

Note 2: You must take one of: HIST 113 or PSCI 231 to complete your Arts and Business requirement by your 3B academic term.

Note 3: ARBUS 200 is offered every term. You should take ARBUS 200 by the end of your 2B term.

Reminder: Students are expected to complete ARTS 130 or ARTS 140 by the end of their 2A term. If not completed by their 3A term, a hold will be placed on the student’s account, preventing self-enrolment in courses for the following term.


Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • SOC 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • One 200-level SOC course
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Three electives

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • One SOC 200-level core course (see Note)
  • Two SOC 200-level electives
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One elective

Winter Term Courses:

  • Two SOC 200-level core courses (see Note)
  • One SOC 200-level elective
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One elective

Note: SOC second year core courses include: SOC 202, SOC 221, SOC 280.
If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Sociology courses listed, contact the Sociology advisor for advice.


Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • One of SPAN 101, SPAN 102, SPAN 201A (depending on Spanish language proficiency)
  • SPAN 150
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • SPAN 102 or SPAN 201B
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Three electives

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • One of: SPAN 201A or SPAN 301A
  • One SPAN elective
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Two electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • One of: SPAN 201B or SPAN 301B
  • One SPAN elective
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Two electives

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Spanish ourses listed, contact the Spanish advisor for advice.

Theatre and Performance

Start with:

Fall Term Courses:

  • One of: THPERF 102 or THPERF 149
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Three electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • One of: THPERF 100, THPERF 102 or THPERF 149
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Three electives

If you've taken or received transfer credit for the above courses:

Fall Term Courses:

  • THPERF 243
  • Any other 200 or 300-level THPERF course
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Two electives

Winter Term Courses:

  • THPERF 244
  • THPERF 200
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Two electives

If you have taken or received transfer credit for all or most of the Theatre and Performance courses listed, contact the Theatre and Performance advisor for advice.