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Marios Ioannidis

Department Chair & Professor (on sabbatical)
Marios Ioannidis
519-888-4567 x42914
Location: E6 3036
Link to profile: Marios Ioannidis

Marc Aucoin

Department Chair & Professor
Marc Aucoin
519-888-4567 x36084
Location: E6 4012
Link to profile: Marc Aucoin
Link to personal webpage: Marc Aucoin

Nasser Mohieddin Abukhdeir

Associate Professor & Associate Chair, Operations
Headshot of Professor Nasser Abukhdeir
519-888-4567 x31306
Location: E6 3016
Link to profile: Nasser Abukhdeir
Link to personal webpage: Nasser Mohieddin Abukhdeir

Jason Grove

Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies & Graduate Attributes Lecturer
Jason Grove
519-888-4567 x31640
Location: E6 4008
Link to profile: Jason Grove

Lena Ahmadi

Lena Ahmadi
519-888-4567 x37160
Link to profile: Lena Ahmadi

William A. Anderson

Adjunct Professor Emeritus
William A. Anderson
519-888-4567 ext. 35011/84712
Location: E6-3018 and CPH 2374C
Link to profile: William A. Anderson

Peter Angelo

519-888-4567 x43181
Location: E6 5006
Link to profile: Peter Angelo

Anne Benneker

Adjunct Professor
Location: University of Calgary

Eline Boghaert

Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies & Lecturer
Picture of Eline Boghaert
519-888-4567 x30183
Location: E6 5020
Link to profile: Eline Boghaert

Hector Budman

Picture of Hector Budman
519-888-4567 x36980
Location: E6 3012
Link to profile: Hector Budman

Judy Caron

Manager, Graduate Studies
Judy Caron
519-888-4567 x40279
Location: E6 3028

Charles Dal Castel

Lab Director, Research & Special Projects
519-888-4567 x40979
Location: E6 3104

John Chatzis

Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Ioannis (John) Chatzis
519-888-4567 x33306
Location: E6 2018
Link to profile: Ioannis (John) Chatzis

Pu Chen

Pu Chen
519-888-4567 x35586
Location: QNC 4622
Link to profile: Pu Chen
Link to personal webpage: Pu Chen

Zhongwei Chen

Canada Research Chair in Advanced Materials for Clean Energy & Professor
Zhongwei Chen
519-888-4567 x38664
Location: E6 2006
Link to profile: Zhongwei Chen
Link to personal webpage: Zhongwei Chen

C. Perry Chou

C. Perry Chou
519-888-4567 x33310
Location: E6 4004
Link to profile: C. Perry Chou
Link to personal webpage: C. Perry Chou

Duane Chung

Adjunct Professor

Eric Croiset

Eric Croiset
519-888-4567 x36472
Location: E6 3036
Link to profile: Eric Croiset

Cecile Devaud

Professor & Associate Chair Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
519-888-4567 x46094
Location: E7 3322
Link to profile: Cecile Devaud

Peter Douglas

Adjunct Professor Emeritus
Picture of Peter Douglas
Contact for: Chemical Engineering inquiries:
Link to profile: Peter Douglas

Maurice Dusseault

Location: EIT 2043
Link to profile: Maurice Dusseault

Ali Elkamel

Picture of Ali Elkamel
519-888-4567 x37157
Location: E6 3008
Link to profile: Ali Elkamel
Link to personal webpage: Ali Elkamel

Christian Euler

Assistant Professor
Christian Euler
519-888-4567 x40630
Location: E6 4020
Link to profile: Christian Eul

Xianshe Feng

Picture of Professor Xianshe feng
519-888-4567 x36555
Location: E6 3004
Link to profile: Xianshe Feng

Pauline Ferfolja

Research Finance Coordinator
519-888-4567 X49269
Location: E6 3034

Sarah Fischer

Functional User and Accreditation Coordinator
519-888-4567 x41585
Location: E6 3024

Tracey Forrest

Program Director, Transformative Quantum Technologies
519-888-4567 x38145
Location: RA2 3106

Michael Fowler

Canada Research Chair in Zero-Emission Vehicles & Hydrogen Energy Systems (Tier-1) &Professor
Michael Fowler
519-888-4567 x33415
Location: E6 1110
Link to profile: Michael Fowler
Link to personal webpage: Michael Fowler

Wendy Gauthier

Administrative Assistant & Undergraduate Co-ordinator Nanotechnology Engineering
Wendy Gauthier
519-888-4567 x37514
Location: QNC 2603

Erene Georgiou

Department Coordinator
519-888-4567 x42404
Location: E6 3024

Ahmad Ghavami

Senior Laboratory Instructor (Nanotechnology Engineering)
+1 519-888-4567 x30317
Location: QNC 2607

Ellen Zhiyu Gong

Graduate Student Advisor and Research Appointment Coordinator
519-888-4567 x41019
Location: E6 3024

Jeff Gostick

Azzam-Dullien Endowed Chair & Professor, Associate Chair, Graduate Studies
Professor Jeff Gostick
519-888-4567 x48949
Location: E6 5012
Link to profile: Jeffrey Gostick
Link to personal webpage: Personal Website

Bert Habicher

Senior Chemical/Mechanical Systems Designer
Bert Habicher
519-888-4567 x36782
Location: E6 1119

Misa Hayashida

Senior Research Officer
Location: Nanotechnology Research Centre

Richard Hecktus

Mechanical Technician
Rick Hecktus
519-888-4567 x32291
Location: DWE 1519

Dennis Herman

Manager of Information Services
519-888-4567 x42196
Location: E6 2002

Brian Ingalls

Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics
519-888-4567 x35457
Location: MC 6116
Link to profile: Brian Ingalls
Link to personal webpage: Brian Ingalls

Milad Kamkar

Assistant Professor
Milad Kamkar
519-888-4567 x42913
Location: E6-3010
Link to profile: Milad Kamkar

Hamid-Reza Kariminia

Hamid-Reza Kariminia
Location: E6 1004
Link to profile: Hamid Reza Kariminia

Nicola Kelly

Communications Officer & Outreach Officer
519-888-4567 x41628
Location: E63031

Yuning Li

Yuning Li
519-888-4567 x47105
Location: QNC 5621
Link to profile: Yuning Li
Link to personal webpage: Yuning Li

Yilan Liu

Assistant Professor
Yilan Liu
519-888-4567 x40641
Location: E6 4018
Link to profile: Yilan Liu

Pendar Mahmoudi

Pendar Mahmoudi
519-888-4567 X 36362
Location: E6-2016
Link to profile: Pendar Mahmoudi

Mark Matsen

Prof. Mark Matsen
519-888-4567 x39052
Location: QNC 5602
Link to profile: Mark Matsen
Link to personal webpage: Mark Matsen

Tizazu Mekonnen

Associate Professor,Director - IBET PhD Project & Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Multiphase Polymers (Tier II)
Professor Tizazu Mekonnen
519-888-4567 X38914
Location: E6 5010
Link to profile: Tiz Mekonnen

Sarah Meunier

Sarah Meunier
519-888-4567 x31662
Location: E6 5018
Link to profile: Sarah Meunier

Sushanta Mitra

Executive Director of the Waterloo Institute of Nanotechnology, Professor Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
519-888-4567 x37176
Location: QNC 3607
Link to profile: Sushanta Mitra
Link to personal webpage: Sushanta Mitra

Jennifer Moll

Laboratory Instructor (Chemical Engineering)
Jennifer Moll
519-888-4567 x46161
Location: DWE 2530C

Murray Moo-Young

Adjunct Professor and Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Murray Moo-Young
519-888-4006 or 519-888-4567 x84006
Location: E6 1008
Link to profile: Murray Moo-Young

Christine Moresoli

Associate Dean Co-op Education & Professional Affairs & Professor
Picture of Christine Moresoli
519-888-4567 x35254
Location: E6 4010
Link to profile: Christine Moresoli

Denise Mueller

Undergraduate Advisor & Program Administrator (Chemical Engineering Program)
Denise Mueller
Location: E6 3026

Linda Nazar

University Professor, Chemistry Department
519-888-4567 ext. 84637
Location: QNC 4609
Link to profile: Linda Nazar
Link to personal webpage: Linda Nazar

Cheryl Newton

Laboratory Instructor (Chemical Engineering)
519-888-4567 x35809
Location: DWE 2530A

Flora Ng

Adjunct Professor
Flora Ng
519-888-4567 x33979
Location: DWE 2523
Link to profile: Flora Ng

Rajinder Pal

Professor Rajinder Pal
519-888-4567 x32985
Location: E6 2010
Link to profile: Rajinder Pal

Qinmin Pan

Adjunct Professor

Zhao Pan

Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
519-888-4567 x38631
Location: ERC 2028
Link to profile: Zhao Pan

Satyam Panchal

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Location: Fiat Chrysler Automobiles R & D Center
Link to profile: Satyam Panchal

Alex Penlidis

Alex Penlidis
519-888-4567 x36634
Location: E6 5004
Link to profile: Alexander Penlidis

Michael Pope

Associate Professor
Picture of Michael Pope
Location: QNC 5606
Link to profile: Michael Pope

Mark Pritzker

Adjunct Professor Emeritus
Mark Pritzker
519-888-4567 x32542
Location: E6 2014
Link to profile: Mark Pritzker

Elisabeth Prince

Assistant Professor
Elisabeth Prince
519-888-4567 x40633
Location: E6 3018
Link to profile: Elisabeth Prince

Joshua Pulsipher

Assistant Professor
Joshua Pulsipher
519-888-4567 x42290
Location: E6 5008
Link to profile: Joshua Pulsipher
Link to personal webpage: Joshua Pulsipher

Yverick Pascal Rangom

Assistant Professor
Yverick Pascal Rangom
Location: E6-3006
Link to profile: Yverick Pascal Rangom

Jennifer Peng

Administrative Officer
519-888-4567 x40259
Location: E6 3032

McKenna Pulsipher

Project Assistant
519-888-4567 x42097
Location: E6 3024

Rosane Rech

Adjunct Professor
Location: Membio Inc.

Edward Roberts

Adjunct Professor

Carolyn Ren

Professor Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
519-888-4567 x38233
Location: E3 2108G
Link to profile: Carolyn Ren

Luis Ricardez-Sandoval

Canada Research Chair in Multiscale Modelling and Process Systems (Tier II) Professor
Luis Ricardez-Sandoval
519-888-4567 x38667
Location: E6 3014
Link to profile: Luis Ricardez Sandoval
Link to personal webpage: Luis Ricardez-Sandoval

Hamed Shahsavan

Assistant Professor
Hamed Shahsavan
519-888-4567, extension 34805
Location: E6-2018
Link to profile: Hamed Shahsavan

David Simakov

Associate Professor
David Simakov
519-888-4567 x37048
Location: E6 2020
Link to profile: David Simakov
Link to personal webpage: David Simakov

Yael Zilberman-Simakov

Senior Laboratory Instructor (Nanotechnology Engineering)
519-888-4567 x37015
Location: QNC 2606

Leonardo Simon

Leonardo Simon
519-888-4567 x33301
Location: QNC 5601
Link to profile: Leonardo Simon
Link to personal webpage: Leonardo Simon

Ravindra Singh

Information Technology Specialist
Ravindra Singh
519-888-4567 x33139
Location: E6-1116

Roderick Slavcev

Assistant Professor, School of Pharmacy
519-888-4567 x21301
Location: PHR 4003
Link to profile: Roderick Slavcev

William Smith

Adjunct Professor

Associate Chair Graduate Studies

Associate Chair Graduate Studies
519-888-4567 x36555
Location: E6 3004
Link to profile: Xianshe Feng

Michael K.C. Tam

University Research Chair & Professor
Michael K.C. Tam
519-888-4567 x38339
Location: QNC 5617
Link to profile: Michael K.C. Tam
Link to personal webpage: Michael K.C. Tam

Neil Thomson

Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
519-888-4567 x32111
Location: E2 3312
Link to profile: Neil R. Thomson

Ting Tsui

Program Director, Nanotechnology Engineering program & Associate Professor
Ting Tsui
519-888-4567 x38404
Location: QNC 4604
Link to profile: Ting Tsui

Costas Tzoganakis

Costas Tzoganakis
519-888-4567 x33442
Location: E6 5016
Link to profile: Costas Tzoganakis

Michael Vitelli

519-888-4567 x48655
Location: E6 1002
Link to profile: Michael Vitelli

Valerie Ward

Canada Research Chair in Microalgae Biomanufacturing (Tier II) Associate Professor
Valerie Ward
Location: E6 4016
Link to profile: Valerie Ward

Siyu Ye

Principal Research Scientist, Ballard Power

Evelyn Yim

University Research Chair & Professor
Picture of Professor Evelyn Yim
519-888-4567 x33928
Location: E6 4014
Link to profile: Evelyn Yim
Link to personal webpage: Evelyn Yim

Aiping Yu

University Research Chair & Professor
Picture of Professor Aiping Yu
519-888-4567 x38799
Location: E6 2008
Link to profile: Aiping Yu
Link to personal webpage: Aiping Yu

Mingqian (John) Zhang

Lab Director, Teaching
519-888-4567 x35815
Location: DWE 2530B

Boxin Zhao

University of Waterloo Endowed Chair in Nanotechnology & Professor
Boxin Zhao
519-888-4567 x38666
Location: E6 2012
Link to profile: Boxin Zhao
Link to personal webpage: Boxin Zhao

Qinqin Zhu

Adjunct Assistant Professor
QinQin Zhu
519-888-4567 x32540
Location: E6 3006
Link to profile: Qinqin Zhu
Link to personal webpage: Qinqin Zhu

XiaoYu Wu

Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
519-888-4567 x36849
Location: ERC 3022
Link to profile: Xiaoyu Wu
Link to personal webpage: XiaoYu Wu

Faten Salim

Analytical Lab Services Specialist
519-888-4567 x41581
Location: E6 3102

Matthew Scott

Associate Professor
519-888-4567 x35454
Location: MC 6114
Link to profile: Matthew Scott

Zahra Shahrashoob

Lab Instructor
Zahra Shahrashoob
519-888-4567 x37079
Location: QNC Room 2608