Co-op student experience survey

Students talking, walking and engaging in the Tatham centre

Share your experience. Improve co-op.

The co-op student experience survey is an opportunity for you to provide feedback on what Waterloo co-op is like from a student perspective. Our team in Co-operative and Experiential Education (CEE) listens to what you have to say and prioritizes acting on your valuable input.

As you explore the processes, findings and improvements outlined on this page, please remember that your feedback shapes the future of the co-op experience at Waterloo. We are dedicated to working with students to continuously improve as we build a more responsive co-op program. If you have feedback or a concern that is urgent, please connect with your student advisor or use the form on our website.

How it works 

icons of survey faces- happy, neutral and mad

Step 1: You share your feedback

Throughout recruiting and work terms we invite you to share your feedback with CEE. If you're employed, access the survey in WaterlooWorks on your work term record. If you do not have a work term record, you're invited to share your experience on this form.


icon of bar graph and magnifying glass

Step 2: We read everything

Our dedicated co-op student experience team, which includes co-op students, carefully reviews all survey responses. The team analyzes both qualitative and quantitative data we receive from students.


icon of two faces in conversation

Step 3: We listen to the experts (you!)

Our team listens to and engages with various groups of students. Doing so helps to ensure that we are transparent about our decision-making process and are accountable throughout the process of gathering feedback. We meet with Co-op Student Council, Waterloo Undergraduate Student Associations, Graduate Student Association and subject-matter experts within CEE.


gear wheel with arrows indicating forward motion

Step 4: We make changes

Based on your feedback, teams across CEE receive recommendations to adapt co-op processes, policies and projects. Throughout the year, we repeat the process of gathering feedback, analyzing and implementing changes to ensure you have a positive experience.


Student feedback insights

Students like you have provided feedback on:

  • Accountability
  • Jobs "for my program"
  • Processes
  • Support
  • WaterlooWorks user experience

Current work

Directed by student feedback, our ongoing work includes:

  • WaterlooWorks user interface and experience improvements
  • Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-racism (EDI-R) and Indigenous Relations (IR) initiatives
  • Mental health supports – co-op embedded counsellors
  • Faculty of Health recruiting term pilot
  • WE Accelerate programming for first work-term students
  • Accessibility improvements
  • Job posting changes including the addition of compensation information and employment arrangement (in-person, remote or hybrid)

Student feedback outcomes

The co-op student experience team has worked with other team members across CEE to translate your feedback into action. Changes based on your insights have benefited the entire Waterloo co-op community. Our work is not done, but changes so far include:

Share your student experience

Do you have thoughts or feedback about your co-op experience at Waterloo? We appreciate your feedback and will use your insights to make changes. 

Indicate that you’d like to be contacted when you submit your survey. By doing so, you're letting us know that we can contact you to invite you to participate in consultation groups or other opportunities to share your feedback on CEE projects and initiatives.

Eager to get involved? 

Engage with your student society. Your elected student society representatives from WUSA and GSA, among others, meet monthly at Co-op Student Council to provide us with insight.

Participate in the Co-op Student Equity Advisory Committee. If you identify as part of an equity-deserving group, please contact the Co-operative Education Student Equity Advisory Committee and collaborate with us to help ensure our services are equitable.