Written by Lindsay (she/her), student
If you’re planning on living in residence, you’ll have to complete the residence community ranking form and submit a non-refundable deposit by the June 3 deadline. In mid-June, you’ll fill out a form where you’ll indicate your preferred building, room type, and meal plan (if applicable). Here are a few tips to consider as you fill out these applications!
Become familiar with your residence options
Before you begin your application, it’s a good idea to do some research on the different residences offered at Waterloo.
We have a variety of styles including traditional dorm-style, suite, and apartment-style rooms offered in 10 residences. Depending on your program, you may be interested in a Living Learning Community where you live with a group of students in the same program as you.
You can explore the types of residences and the amenities offered in each type by booking a tour, attending an open house, or checking them out online.
Touring the residence helped me get a good idea of what the different buildings offered and an idea of what my upcoming year would look like.
Be honest in your application
As part of your application, you’ll be asked to indicate your personal preferences such as noise, music, cleanliness, and sleep schedule. It’s important to be honest so that you can be matched with a suitable residence community or roommate who has similar preferences as you.
Be open with the people you live with
If you live with other people, it’s important to be open and honest with each other from the start. Depending on which residence you live in, you may be given the names and contact information of your roommate(s) ahead of time. It’s a good idea to connect with them to get to know them before you move in together. You can also discuss who is bringing what items in advance which will help make packing easier! You may also want to create a mini roommate contract to make sure you’re all on the same page.

Every residence experience is different
It’s a good idea to do your own research about the residences. If you take a campus tour, ask your student ambassador about their experience and which residence they stayed in. You can also ask them for tips on preparing to move into residence and ways to make the most of your experience.
You should always keep in mind that every residence experience is different, depending on the residence type, the people you live with, and your especially your expectations and willingness to adapt and put yourself out there. Ask around, but come in and check the residence out for yourself.
Always keep an open mind
It’s important to keep an open mind and make the most of your experience in residence. In my first year, I was nervous about living in a double room with a roommate I did not know. However, having a roommate helped me meet more people and pushed me outside of my comfort zone. Looking back, I wouldn’t change my residence experience or room type. I made the most of my time in residence by participating in floor activities and residence-wide events which made my experience one I will never forget!
In the end, it’s really not about the type of residence you live in or the style of room — it’s about the memories that you’ll make and the friends that you’ll meet. I live with my roommate and the friends that I made in residence in my first year, and I wouldn’t have had the same experience if I didn’t come in to the situation with an open mind.
Want more tips for completing the form? Watch our Campus Housing Preference Form walkthrough.
For more information on the residence ranking form, room assignment, and more, check out the Waterloo residences FAQ page.
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