Contact us

The Arts Quad at the University of Waterloo with a big Waterloo sign and yellow umbrellas

General questions? Not sure who to contact?

Contact our Visitors Centre

Questions about your application?

Are you a high school student or transfer student with questions about your application, transcripts, or application status?

Email or call 519-888-4567, ext. 43106. Please include your first and last name and Waterloo student ID number if you have one.

Questions about programs?

Wondering about programs, admissions, courses, co-op, potential careers, or student experience? Our recruitment co-ordinators are here to help!

If you're unsure which faculty offers your program(s) of interest, view a list of programs by faculty.

Faculty of Arts, includes financial management programs

Faculty of Engineering, School of Architecture

Faculty of Environment

Faculty of Health

Faculty of Mathematics, including Computer Science

Faculty of Science

Computing and Financial Management (CFM)


Residence and off-campus housing

You have three main options for living: Campus Housing, four University Colleges (located on campus), and off-campus accommodation.

Guaranteed housing for first-year students is available in Campus Housing residences and University Colleges (other than Conrad Grebel University College).

Campus Housing

Campus Housing's first-year residence communities include Claudette Millar Hall, Columbia Lake Village-South, Mackenzie King Village, Ron Eydt Village, UW Place, and Village 1

University College residences

Located on Waterloo's campus, each of the University Colleges is a smaller community with its own character and distinctive programs where you can get involved and contribute. You can live at one of the University Colleges regardless of which program you're in.

Conrad Grebel University College

Renison University College

St. Jerome's University

United College

Off-Campus Housing Office

Additional contacts

Black student resources

Indigenous student resources

International students

Scholarships, bursaries, OSAP, and other financial aid

  • Student Awards and Financial Aid website or 519-888-4567, ext. 33583
  • Due to the complex nature of financial aid, please contact us by phone or visit us on campus in The Centre, located on the ground floor of Needles Hall, so that we can work with you to ensure that you receive an accurate and complete response.
  • Estimate your first-year costs and resources using our cost calculator.

Other helpful websites