Troy D. Glover
Approved master's and doctoral dissertation supervisor
Research interests: urban recreation, place meanings, social capital development, grassroots organizing, and narrative inquiry
Approved master's and doctoral dissertation supervisor
Research interests: urban recreation, place meanings, social capital development, grassroots organizing, and narrative inquiry
Approved master's and doctoral dissertation supervisor
Research interests: nonprofit management, organizational capacity, community sport organizations, sport and social capital, social responsibility through sport, service-learning
Approved master's and doctoral dissertation supervisor
Research interests: consumer behaviour related to sport events, exploring the role of mega-sport events in the promotion of physical activity and sport participation, exploring commercial and tourism-related responses to mega-sport events, cognitive function and leisure/sport participation
Approved master's and doctoral committee member
Research interests: sport marketing, corporate social responsibility, social impact of sport, consumer behaviour, and program evaluation.
Approved master's and doctoral dissertation supervisor
Research interests: organizational change; organizational theory; social change; social innovation and impact; youth sport; sport development.
Approved master's and doctoral dissertation supervisor
Research interests: consumer behaviour of sport participation; sport marketing; spectatorship; tourism; event manangement.