Safety training resources

The following health and safety training online courses are mandatory for all personnel in the Department of Systems Design Engineering (SYDE) including faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, visiting scholars and other research personnel:

  1. SO1001 Employee Safety Orientation
  2. SO1081 Workplace Violence
  3. SO2017 WHMIS 2015
  4. AODA - Accessibility Training
  5. ISAT_SE1 Cyber Awareness Essentials
  6. ISAT_SE2 Cyber Awareness for Knowledge Workers

Anyone conducting research, including faculty, grad students, postdoctoral fellows, visiting scholars and other research personnel must also complete:

  1. ISUR Safeguarding your research
  2. ISUR_2 Cyber Security for Researchers

Additionally, anyone working in a supervisory role must complete:

  1. SO1100 Supervisor Safety Orientation

SYDE Health and Safety Training Guide 

In addition to the three required training courses listed above, there are mandatory and recommended training courses for different roles. Consult the sections below or refer to the SYDE Health and Safety Training Matrix to determine the training required for your work. If you have any questions, please contact


Mandatory training for supervisors of staff and/or undergraduate and graduate students completing high-risk or low-risk work:

Mandatory training for supervisors of staff and/or undergraduate and graduate students completing high-risk work:

 Mandatory training for supervisors and managers who complete risk assessments:

Recommended training for any SYDE community members:



Before you can work in a lab, you must complete the mandatory lab safety course and all training course(s) specific to the lab environment. 

Mandatory training for anyone working in a lab: 

As needed training for specific lab environments: