News archive - January 2021

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

P4E Job Fair – How do you prepare for a virtual fair as a student?

laptop on desk with the words "job fair" written on the screen

By Cassie Harrison

Like many others, graduation is right around the corner. One more term of a full-time course load and I’ll be in the real world, meaning it’ll be time to start my career. But how does one prepare themselves for their future in these unprecedented times? How do you network and make industry connections when everything has gone digital? These are the questions that haunted me, until I learned that Partners for Employment (P4E) would still be hosting their annual career fair, only this time virtually.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Major component of first Employer Impact Awards aided by exemplary work of CEE co-op student

Simon sitting at computer smiling

By Namish Modi

Upon graduation, Simon Raiff looks to work in video production, editing, and creation.

Raiff’s co-op role as a Video Content Development Associate with Co-operative and Experiential Education (CEE) at the University of Waterloo helped shape what promises to be a bright future.