Welcome Waterloo co-op students!

Explore careers, gain experience and earn money through North America's largest co-op program.

Our students are some of the best and brightest, and our employers know it! One thing is for sure: co-op at Waterloo exists because of YOU and your talent.

Now that you're here, we're committed to helping you have the most positive co-op experience possible. Visit the sections below to help you on your way.

need help with co-op? Connect with your co-op advisor Supports and resources


  1. June 6, 2024Students gain teaching experience supporting Waterloo Computer Science
    Three computer science students looking at notes together in a math building on campus

    By: Cameron Stirrup (he/him)

  2. May 16, 2024Shooting for the stars: Waterloo co-op student pursues dreams in the space industry
    Collage of three images, the CSA lobby, Lee standing at the CSA and a CSA employee testing equipment

    By: Krista Henry (she/her)

    Taking her shot at an out-of-this-world co-op job has led Waterloo Arts student Angelica Lee closer to her dreams of outer space.

  3. Apr. 16, 2024Global citizen and award recipient: Samantha Kremer
    Samantha Kremer with children in Uganda

    By: Micaela Kelly

    Samantha Kremer (she/her) values international co-op experiences and giving back to communities abroad.

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  1. June 20, 2024Staying curious and embracing lab life on co-op
    University of Waterloo Science student, Genevie Tran, smiling

    Genevie Tran (she/her) is in her third year of Biology. She discusses her passion for wet lab research and her advice for staying motivated throughout the work term.

  2. June 13, 2024Decoding how to succeed in co-op
    Eric Bilaver, University of Waterloo co-op student, posing

    Eric Bilaver (he/him) is in his fourth year of Computer Engineering. He shares his experience building an app from scratch, developing self-confidence along the way and working on perfecting his application process.

  3. June 11, 2024Auditing adventures: co-op at KPMG
    A collage of University of Waterloo AFM student Nathan skiing, posing in a stadium and rock climbing

    Nathan Farquharson (he/him) is in his third year of Accounting and Financial Management (AFM), minoring in Economics and specializing in Business Analytics. He gives us a glimpse of working at one of the Big Four accounting firms and the importance of networking as a co-op student.

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