Enrichment programs for high school and elementary students

We offer a variety of enrichment programs and activities for students of all ages.

Summer programs

Focus Title Audience Date Overview
Computer science Seeing Possibilities and Rewards in Computer Science (SPARCS) Female Grade 9 and 10 students in a Canadian high school or middle school. Spring A week-long program for female students to explore computer science, hear about careers, and break down stereotypes. No computer science experience necessary.
Engineering, leadership Catalyst Summer Program Grade 10 or older July and August Develop leadership skills by drawing on Waterloo's strengths in engineering, science, and innovation.
Engineering, science Engineering Science Quest Grades 1 – 9 July and August Empowers youth to be the change that the world needs by increasing students' confidence in science, engineering, and technology.
Engineering, science STEMpowered Grades 2 – 12 July and August

Free summer day camp programs for self-identifying Black youth. Features STEM mentors and hands-on activities designed by engineering, science, and education university students to explore STEM.

Engineering, cryptography Quantum Cryptography School for Young Students (QCSYS) Grades 10 – 12 August Week-long program that focuses on quantum cryptography, hosted by the Institute for Quantum Computing.
Kinesiology and Health Sciences Anatomy 101 Individual students who have completed Grade 11 or 12 July and August A one-day session of anatomical education at a first-year university level. Great for high school students interested in pursuing university programs in kinesiology, health science, or biology.
Mathematics Online Summer Problem Solving Course  High school students who have completed at least Grade 11 university stream mathematics Summer The course will develop students’ mathematical problem-solving ability through self-guided videos, quizzes, assignments, and online discussion boards.
Earth and Environmental Science GeoX Summer Camp

High school students entering Grades 11 or 12 in September 2025 

August 10-16 

A one-week summer camp for students interested in earth and environmental sciences. Stay in residence and travel to various locations, including an active mine.

Sciences, engineering, technology, and entrepreneurship Shad Grade 10 or 11 July A four-week summer enrichment program. Students spend a month living in residence.
Sports camps Summer camps All ages Throughout the summer A variety of sports camps are offered throughout the summer.
Tech entrepreneurship FLIGHT virtual summer camp Black girls and/or other underrepresented minorities ages 13 – 18 August An introduction to tech entrepreneurship.
University experience

Future Ready

Canadian and international students age 15 to 17 June 23 - July 11, 2025 Three-week program to help students develop critical thinking, problem solving, and collaborative communication skills. Attend lectures from a variety of disciplines and explore Waterloo’s renowned innovative culture.

Programs during the school year

Focus Title Audience Date Overview
Accounting, Finance Financial Literacy Competition Grades 9 – 11 May and December Supports and enhances financial literacy education within Canadian high schools.
Astronomy, Science Gustav Bakos Observatory tours All ages Year round, by request or first Wednesday of each month Tours offer a chance to look through the 12-inch telescope at Waterloo’s Gustav Bakos Observatory.
Chemistry Chem 13 News Exam and Avogadro Exam Grade 11 and 12 students May Written by more than 6,000 Grade 11 and 12 students every May. School registration is due in February.
Computer Science Computing Contests Grades 9 – 12 November – May Students around the world participate in Waterloo's computing contests each year.
Computer Science CS Circles Grades 9 – 12 On-demand Learn to program using the Python language through interactive, text-based teaching.
Computer Science Curriculum resources Grades 7 – 12 On-demand Lessons, interactive activities, enrichment challenges, and unlimited opportunity for practice with feedback
Engineering Catalyst Conference Female and non-binary students in grade 11 April Participate in hands-on workshops, meet engineering students, compete in a design competition, and experience life in residence.
Engineering, Science Engineering Science Quest Grades 1 – 12 Throughout the year Empowers youth to be the change that the world will need in the future by increasing students' confidence in science, engineering, and technology abilities.
Engineering, science STEMpowered Grades 2 – 12 Throughout the year

Free summer day camp programs for self-identifying Black youth. Features STEM mentors and hands-on activities designed by engineering, science, and education university students to explore STEM.

Engineering, Science, and Mathematics Engineering Outreach Hive Mind Tutoring Students in Grades 10, 11 or 12 who have applied or plan to apply to STEM programs Various Free virtual tutoring and group sessions for students struggling with physics, calculus, or chemistry.
Geography, Canadian and World Issues, Economics, Science School visits Grades 9 – 12 September to mid-April Choose from one of three 75-minute presentations: Climate change (Grades 9-12), oil sands (Grades 11-12), or the sharing economy (Grades 11-12). Includes discussion, brainstorming, related careers and demos of equipment used in labs (e.g., drones, snow collection data). Email Sophie Dallaire for details.
Geology, Earth Sciences Earth Sciences Museum Grades K – 12 Year-round Free tours and activities on a variety of earth science topics. Includes Cobalt Discovery Mine Tunnel tours.
Health, Kinesiology Kinesiology Lab days Grade 12 Mid-December Visit kinesiology labs and participate in hands-on workshops.
Health, Neuroscience University of Waterloo Brain Bee Grades 9 – 12 Early March Answer questions about the brain and neuroscience. The winner will compete in the National Brain Bee.
Mathematics Math Circles Grades 6 – 12 School year A free weekly enrichment activity, held evenings at Waterloo. Registration opens in September.
Mathematics Curriculum resources Grades 7 – 12 On-demand Free online lessons, interactive worksheets.
Mathematics Waterloo Math contests Grades 7 – 12 Throughout the year Students around the world participate in Waterloo’s math contests each year.
Mathematics Math contest preparation webinars Grades 11 – 12 October and February Interactive webinars with Mathematics professors to practice solving math problems similar to those found on math contests.
Mathematics School visits Grades 7 – 12 Throughout the school year Problem-solving workshops in math and computer science. Can include discussions of careers in mathematics.
Mathematics Think about Math! Grade 9 girls May Designed for Grade 9 girls, the workshop demonstrates that math is fun, relevant, and leads to exciting careers.
Mathematics Free resources Grades 3 – 12 On-demand Materials that support curriculum and enrichment.
Mathematics Problem of the Week Grades 3 – 12 Throughout the school year Problems from various areas of mathematics are posted and emailed to subscribers.
Physics Sir Isaac Newton Physics Exam Grades 11 – 12 Early May Physics exam for high school students. School registration is due in April.
Science Let’s Talk Science Grades K – 12 Throughout the school year Hands-on science activities aligned to the Ontario curriculum, brought free to classrooms by Waterloo student volunteers.

Public talks

Focus Title Audiences Dates Overview
Environment, science

TD Walter Bean Professorship in Environment

All Various Public lectures which highlight one or more of the United Nations' Sustainable Development goals
Indigenous Indigenous Speakers Series All Various Highlights the voices of Indigenous artists, writers, activists, scholars and leaders from across Turtle Island
Various The Hagey Lectures All October or November Free, annual lectures intended to challenge, stimulate, and enrich

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