Social Development Studies

Social Development Studies staff speak with students

Make a positive difference in the lives of individuals and communities

Explore how human interactions are influenced by individual, collective, and structural forces such as mental health, social relationships, economic conditions, education and politics, and movements for social justice and social change.

A common goal of those who study Social Development Studies is to help people, communities, and nations flourish.

Through courses in areas such as psychology, sociology, and social work as well as hands-on community engagement opportunities, you’ll be well prepared for a meaningful career in social work, counselling, education, public services, human resources, law, or community and international service organizations.

You can also enhance your learning experience by enrolling in co-op and applying what you learn in class to real work situations.

What courses will you take in Social Development Studies?

First-year courses

As an Arts student, you’ll choose your major at the end of first year. You’re encouraged to explore a second major in first year to discover potential new interests.

You will also take an Arts First course in either the fall or winter term of your first year. In this course, instead of going to a lecture hall, you and your classmates will work together to respond to an intriguing challenge. With only 25 students in this course, you might address topics such as The Science of Happiness, Are We Erasing History?, Games and Culture, and Writing About Poems and Songs.

You can choose to study Social Development Studies through Honours Arts or Honours Arts and Business.

Students interested in co-op Social Development Studies must apply to Honours Arts co-op.

Honours Arts/Direct entry

September to December

  • PSYCH 101R – Introductory Psychology
  • SOCWK 120R – Introduction to Social Work
  • SOC 101R – Introduction to Sociology
  • Arts First Requirement or elective
  • One elective

January to April

  • SDS 131R – Political Ideologies and Social Development
  • SDS 150R – Lifespan Processes
  • PSYCH 253R/253 – Social Psychology
  • Arts First Requirement or elective
  • One elective

This is a sample schedule. Courses or when a course is offered may change depending on availability.

Honours Arts and Business

September to December

  • ARBUS 101 – Introduction to Business in North America
  • ECON 101 – Introduction to Microeconomics
  • Arts First Requirement or elective
  • Prospective major #2

Plus one course from

January to April

  • ARBUS 102 – Accounting Information for Managers
  • ARBUS 202 – Professional and Business Ethics
  • Arts First Requirement or elective
  • Prospective major #2
  • SOCWK 120R – Introduction to Social Work

This is a sample schedule. Courses or when a course is offered may change depending on availability.

After first year

About half of the classes you’ll take will be SDS courses. With your remaining classes, you can choose electives from many of the 100 subject areas at Waterloo.

Sample upper-year courses

PSYCH 334R – Theories of Individual Counselling Psychology
SDS 350R – Adult Life Crises and Events
SOCWK 321R – Social Work with Families
SDS 425R – Educational Equity in Canada

Customize your degree

You can add additional areas of expertise to your degree by including one of the areas of focus in the program.

  • Diversity and Equity
  • Education
  • Individual Well-being and Development
  • Social Policy and Social Action
  • Social Work

You can also include one of the minors available to all Waterloo students. Popular areas of focus for SDS students include Psychology; Sociology; and Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies.

Customize your degree Social Developmental Studies

You can add additional areas of expertise to your degree by including one of the areas of focus in the program.

  • Diversity and Equity
  • Education
  • Individual Well-being and Development
  • Social Policy and Social Action
  • Social Work

You can also include one of the minors available to all Waterloo students. Popular areas of focus for SDS students include Psychology; Sociology; and Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies.

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Faculty of Arts

Bachelor of Arts in Social Development Studies

Available as a co-op program?

Available as a regular program?

Available as a minor?

Fast-track your BSW. Want to become a professional social worker? After completing SDS, you can apply directly to our accredited one-year Social Work program and earn a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW).

Get some serious experience. Enhance your résumé with an apprenticeship, where you’ll get experience by volunteering in a local community agency or by helping a professor conduct their research.

Co-op = relevant paid work experience

Alternate school terms and paid co-op work terms throughout your degree, exploring career areas and types of employers as your career interests evolve.

Sample co-op job titles

  • Child and youth worker
  • Client and sales support
  • Educational assistant
  • English teacher
  • Project coordinator
  • Research assistant, digital innovation and design
  • Training and documentation associate

Co-op work-study sequence

Starting in second year, you'll normally alternate between school and work every four months, integrating your classroom learning with real-world experience. You can return to the same employer for a couple of work terms to gain greater knowledge and responsibility or work for different employers to get a broad range of experience.

If you choose to study Social Development Studies through Honours Arts and Business, your first work term will be halfway through second year (January - April 2027).

Year September to December (Fall) January to April (Winter) May to August (Spring)
First Study Study Off
Second Study Co-op Study
Third Co-op Study Co-op
Fourth Study Co-op Co-op
Fifth Study Study -

or after second year (May to August 2027) if you choose to study Social Development Studies through Honours Arts.

Year September to December (Fall) January to April (Winter) May to August (Spring)
First Study Study Off
Second Study Study Co-op
Third Study Co-op Study
Fourth Co-op Study Co-op
Fifth Co-op Study -

Learn more about co-op →

What can you do with a degree in Social Development Studies?

Graduates commonly pursue careers in support work, child and youth counselling, early childhood education, and more. They often work in schools, youth mentorship groups, counselling offices, hospitals, and a wide variety of government departments.

Recent graduates

  • Senior Case Worker — Regional Municipality of Waterloo
  • Probation Officer — Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
  • Bereavement Coordinator — St. Paul's Hospital
  • Coordinator, Newcomer Settlement — Multicultural Association of Perth-Huron
  • Community Behaviour Consultant — Woodstock General Hospital
  • Support Worker — Community Living North Halton
  • Early Childhood Educator — Waterloo Catholic District School Board

Learn about the future of careers in arts, humanities, social sciences, languages, and creative arts.

Tuition fees for programs in the Faculty of Arts

First-year tuition

Type of fees Tuition (8 months of school)
Domestic (Ontario residents) $9,000
Domestic (Out of province students) $9,000
International (visa students) $57,000
  • Estimated amounts listed include incidental fees. Fees based on 2024-25 tuition rates.
  • Visit our financing page to learn about scholarships, estimate your total expenses, and see how co-op can help pay for your education.

Applying to Social Development Studies (SDS)

There are several ways to choose SDS as your major. Please email us if you have questions about any of the options.

Apply directly

You can apply directly to the SDS major.

This is a perfect choice if you want to focus on SDS in first year and have spaces reserved for you in SDS courses. Available through the regular system of study.

Honours Arts

With considerable flexibility, Honours Arts lets you explore several majors in Arts, including SDS.

At the end of first year, you can select SDS as your major. Choose between the co-op and regular systems of study.

Honours Arts and Business

You can apply to Honours Arts and Business and choose SDS as your major at the end of first year to add valuable business courses to your degree.

Choose between the co-op and regular systems of study.


Apply to Honours Arts or Honours Arts and Business and choose Social Development Studies as your major at the end of first year.

Ontario students: six Grade 12 U and/or M courses including

  • English 4U (minimum final grade of 70% is required)

Mathematics of Data Management is recommended as helpful background for the program.

Admission average: Low 80s

Not studying in Ontario? Search our admission requirements for Honours Arts or Honours Arts and Business.

Learn about transfer credit pathways from college Social Service Worker programs.

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From the Missing Manual

Pursuing a double major in Psychology and Social Development Studies, Abby wasn’t afraid to say “yes” to an opportunity that helped her grow as a person. Read our article about Abby.