Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

Location Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong
Language of instruction English
Languages of Hong Kong Cantonese and English
Just the facts about Chinese University of Hong Kong
Engineering disciplines available at CUHK Computer
Mechanical and Automation
Engineering Management
Systems Engineering

Course package

All courses received post-exchange approval and are subject to change.

Waterloo course

CUHK course

Computer Engineering

Aadya Anjaria, September 2023 
ECE 307 - Probability Theory and Statistics 2 (core) STAT 2001 - Basic Concepts in Stats and Probability 1
ECE 358 - Computer Networks (3B TE)  IERG3310 - Computer Networks 
ECE 356 - Database Systems (3B TE) CSCI3170 - Introduction to Database Systems
GENE 22C (CSE, List C) HIST1001 - Tradition and Transition in Chinese History 
GENE 22D (CSE, List D) CLCC1123 Oral Skills Practice I

Mechanical Engineering

No recent study plans available

Software Engineering

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Systems Design

No recent study plans available