First year co-op

Waterloo hosts the largest co-op program on the planet, with connections to over 6,900 employers. As an engineering or architecture student at Waterloo you'll automatically be entered into the co-op program.

Throughout your degree, you'll gain up to two years of real-world experience, build connections in industry and strengthen your professional skills with WatPD-Engineering, an online program that covers résumé writing, networking and more. On average, engineering students earn $8,400-$19,200 domestically per co-op term, helping to pay for tuition, books and living expenses.

Common questions about engineering co-op

What co-op stream will I be in?

After picking your program, you are probably wondering what co-op stream you will be in. 

All Waterloo Engineering programs are co-op programs, which means you start learning what you need to know and applying it in a real work setting right away. Co-op work schedules are divided into two "streams", providing you with a unique schedule that alternates between school and work. These streams will determine when you begin your first work term. 

Depending on your program, you will be entered in a different co-op stream that will start either 4 or 8 months into your first year, except Architecture which starts 2nd year. There may be some variations to your co-op sequence depending on your program so make sure to find the full information on our co-op stream page.

Architectural, Electrical, Environmental, Geological, and Systems Design - are stream 4. Your first co-op work term will begin in January.

Biomedical, Civil, Management, Nanotechnology, and Software - are stream 8. Your first co-op work term will begin in May.

Chemical, Computer, Mechanical, and Mechatronics - you are assigned to stream 4 or stream 8 in  June. If you have a strong preference for a particular stream, you can request your preferred stream online before the admission confirmation deadline at the start of June. We can't guarantee that you will be placed in the stream you prefer, because we must balance the students in each class, but we will make every effort to accommodate your request. Once streams have been assigned you will be able to find out which stream you are in through the lookup tool.

How will I apply for co-op jobs?

WaterlooWorks is an online site run through Co-operative & Experiential Education (CEE) to help students find their co-op Jobs.

Students will upload their resume on to WaterlooWorks and from there apply directly to co-op jobs that CEE have found for students at Waterloo.

Students can also find their own jobs outside of WaterlooWorks and can apply to have them count for a co-op credit.

What can I do to prepare for co-op?

How will I be supported when looking for my first co-op job?

In the term before your first co-op work term you will be enrolled into Co-op Fundamentals for Engineering (CFE); an online course that will prepare you for your first co-op experience. CFE will cover:

  • the fundamentals of co-op at Waterloo,
  • how to navigate WaterlooWorks and job search strategies,
  • writing strong résumés and cover letters,
  • gaining the skills needed for successful interviews.

Another component of CFE is having your resume reviewed by trained staff in Engineering to prepare you for your first recruitment term.

The Waterloo Engineering Society (EngSoc) also offers resume help and you can connect with an upper-year student for their insight.

Can I apply for an 8-month co-op job?

No, students are encouraged to stay on sequence as much as possible in first year and an 8-month job would mean having 2 off terms before returning to your sequence, and delaying graduation by a year. Most programs have an 8-month co-op built into their sequence in upper years.