Posts for Current undergraduate students

CHEF BLOG: Chef Sean's Spaghetti & Meatballs

Sean's Social Media Post


This month's chef blog showcases Sean Locke's famous spaghetti and meatballs recipe!

CHEF BLOG: Chef Mike's Tortilla Soup

Mike Social Media Post


This is an easy one pot recipe that is sure to warm you up and make you feel cozy on a cold winter's night.  It's one of my favourite dishes when visiting family in the Southwest and I've tried to recreate my aunts "secret recipe".

HOLIDAY SPECIAL: Chef Mark's Famous Bread Pudding Recipe


  • 1 larger loaf white bread
  • 12 eggs, 6 whole 6 yolk
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1L 35% Cream
  • 1 tbsp vanilla


CHEF BLOG: Chef Cindy's Whipped Shortbread Cookies

cookies social media


Cindy here from your UW bakery, I thought I’d share my favourite cookie that I grew up with. Something that always showed up like a warm hug made by both my Mother and Grandmother whenever a little extra love was needed. The simple and delicate flavour of these cookies are loved by all, making this not only a holiday cookie but a favourite go to treat.

CHEF BLOG: Chef Daniel's Ultimate Mac & Cheese

Chef Daniel Photo and Description


This recipe is what I call comfort food, it’s affordable, and it’s something I can create with my family. This recipe is great to prepare on weekends and reheat during the week and to take to school or work.  

CHEF BLOG: Chef Mark's Family Chili Recipe

Chef Mark Instagram Promo


Growing up, chili was a meal we often had at home, it was one of the few recipes my dad would cook. Mom and Dad eventually came up with a bit of a rivalry surrounding it. Moms was a little soupier and had a bit of spiced flavour, while dads was thicker, all liquid drained from the canned beans and tomatoes, and lighter on spice as dad didn’t enjoy spices. When I moved out I continued to make my own chili, taking cues from both parents, who cooked without recipes.

At home, chili was always served with buttered toast, which is a great side, but for me, tortilla chips make the best companion.

A lot of recipes for chili will have sour cream, shredded cheese, fresh cilantro, green onion. While those can be great, that’s not what this one is about.

Mudie's in V1 is here for the students

V1 Sizzle Street Grill and Mom's Counter

By March 21, 2020, the majority of students had vacated their residence rooms and campus was quiet. However, we, the staff at Mudie’s Eatery in Village 1 continue to work and serve those students  who remain on campus.  Continuing to offer our full menu and excellent customer service – with some new rules in place:

Student Review: Umami at DC Bytes

I visited DC BYTES – Umami on Tuesday March 3rd for lunch. I expected it to be extremely busy however there were only a few people in line in front of me when I got there, and I was in and out in under ten minutes. The atmosphere was welcoming and immediately amplified my hunger.

Student Review: The Market at CMH

Entering the cozy warmth of the cafe with three of my friends, I scanned the general area and was impressed at the cleanliness and the organized layout. The food counters were spotless, the drinks were well stocked, and it was easy to navigate the different categories of food throughout the spacious cafe. My mouth watered at the various complementary smells, the scent of sizzling spice drew me towards Warrior Burgers and I hungrily eyed the menu. 

Decoding Nutrition Labels

We’ve all seen it before, but do you really know what it means and what it’s saying? There’s a TON of information found on nutritional labels, and figuring out how to read it may be daunting. However, it is still a very useful and needed skill to have to make informed choices for your diet. The good news is, your days of googling what it all means are done! We’ve summarized the key info you need in just a few paragraphs. So let's get decoding!
