Waterloo Engineering start-ups featured in New York Times

Monday, February 4, 2013

The New York Times calls the University of Waterloo "one of the world's best technology schools" and takes a look at the recent successful start-ups by Waterloo Engineering students and alumni.

"Increasingly, graduates are following the lead of Mike Lazaridis, who nearly 30 years ago helped found BlackBerry, and creating start-ups of their own like Pebble, the smartwatch company founded by a University of Waterloo grad, and BufferBox, a parcel delivery system recently acquired by Google," says the article run in the February 4th issue of the publication. 

The article also talks about the university's unique Intellectual Property policy: “Unusually for a college or university in North America, Waterloo does not require its faculty or students to give it any ownership stake in products or inventions they create there. For faculty members, control of that intellectual property can potentially be far more valuable than any university salary."