Posts for the Topic Technology

Programming humanoid robots at Tesla: Brandon’s co-op journey

A photo of Waterloo co-op student Brandon Goh smiling and giving two thumbs up beside a Tesla sign.

My name is Brandon Goh and I am a third-year Mechatronics Engineering student. I will be sharing my co-op experiences that range from debugging financial applications to programming cutting-edge innovations, such as Tesla’s humanoid robot!

From animals to robots: a science student’s co-op journey

University of Waterloo Science co-op student, Esha Awan, sitting on a chair and smiling, holding a pharmaceutical bottle.

Esha Awan (she/her), shares her co-op experience as a fourth-year Science student, working in a variety of industries — from pharmaceuticals to robotics— in addition to her passion for veterinary sciences.

A software engineer’s code for co-op

University of Waterloo Software Engineering co-op student, Joseph Tafese, sitting on a chair and talking

Joseph Tafese, a fourth-year Software Engineering student, shares the various software development jobs he has done for his co-op, and how his coding has progressed through his co-op experiences!

Discovering a passion for research through co-op

University of Waterloo student Jordan Ducatel, 3B Honours Physics and Astronomy student smiling by a lake.

Jordan Ducatel, a 3B Honours Physics and Astronomy student, shares how he found his passion for research in Physics through co-ops. 

Jordan's first co-op:

Mentorship and making a difference at RBC

Andrea smiling in front of brown architecture

Andrea Chakma, a third-year mechatronics engineering student shares a little bit about her experience at the Royal Bank of Canada and TJX Canada. 

Working where health care and technology meet

Maisha standing by trees

Third-year health studies student Maisha Adil shares her co-op experience and tips on how to stay motivated on your work term.
