January 2024

You won’t regret an international co-op term in Norway

Stanley Miao standing on a cliff above a town and looking off to the side.

Stanley Miao (he/him) is a fourth-year Computer Science student. Sharing his experience, he talks about co-op broadening his perspective and the excitement associated with research.

Stanley's co-op journey:

A Gender and Social Justice student's insight into on-campus opportunities

Alison Baird smiling and holding a shovel.

Alison Baird (any), a third-year Gender and Social Justice student discusses how they made the most of their experience working in the University of Waterloo’s Sustainability Office and how she approaches applying to a co-op position.

Humanizing healthcare: building connections in the workplace

University of Waterloo Health student, Lexi Stumpf, smiling

Lexi Stumpf (she/her) is a third-year student in the Faculty of Health. She discusses how co-op gave her the opportunity to explore different areas of healthcare and how connecting with patients motivates her to do her best.

Charged with purpose: reflections of an Electrical Engineering co-op student

Narayanan (Nana) Ramakrishnan standing in front of a yellow wall, with a Shell Canada logo smiling.

Narayanan (Nana) Ramakrishnan is a Master of a Engineering Co-op (MEng Co-op) student in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). He started the program in fall 2022 and is specializing in Sustainable Energy. As part of his degree, he completed a four-month co-op as an electrical engineering intern at Shell Canada in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta.

Q&A with Narayanan

Beyond the counter: a glimpse into pharmacy

University of Waterloo Pharamcy student, Jaskaran Singh Attwal, smiling

Jaskaran Singh Attwal (he/him) is a fourth-year Pharmacy (PharmD) student. He shares his experience working in various healthcare fields and maintaining a work-life balance as a young professional.

Staying curious and embracing lab life on co-op

University of Waterloo Science student, Genevie Tran, smiling

Genevie Tran (she/her) is in her third year of Biology. She discusses her passion for wet lab research and her advice for staying motivated throughout the work term.

Decoding how to succeed in co-op

Eric Bilaver, University of Waterloo co-op student, posing

Eric Bilaver (he/him) is in his fourth year of Computer Engineering. He shares his experience building an app from scratch, developing self-confidence along the way and working on perfecting his application process.

Auditing adventures: co-op at KPMG

A collage of University of Waterloo AFM student Nathan skiing, posing in a stadium and rock climbing

Nathan Farquharson (he/him) is in his third year of Accounting and Financial Management (AFM), minoring in Economics and specializing in Business Analytics. He gives us a glimpse of working at one of the Big Four accounting firms and the importance of networking as a co-op student.

Mapping my way through co-op: problem solving in the workplace

Ben Woodward taking a selfie

Ben Woodward (he/him) is a fourth-year Geography and Environmental Management and Earth Sciences student. In this blog he shares his experience using geographic information systems (GIS) and web mapping work for various levels of government, a private company and his local museum.

Ben's co-op journey:

A passion for FinTech: co-op at CIBC

University of Waterloo Engineering co-op student, Trupthi Raghu posing in front of a future leaders powerpoint slide.

Trupthi Raghu (she/her) is pursuing a Master's in Electrical and Computer Engineering. In this blog, she discusses getting to explore Finance and Technology (FinTech) and the challenges of working in the financial sector.

Trupthi's co-op journey

Architectural ambitions: learning through purpose

Ricardo Dabydeen in suit

Ricardo Dabydeen (he/him), a fourth-year Honours Planning student specializing in urban design, discusses his passion for architecture and how he found a sense of giving back to his community through his co-op journey.

Ricardo's co-op journey:

Trial and error: finding your passion through co-op

Hannah Teetzel standing in front of Secretariat logo

Hannah Teetzel (she/her) is a fourth-year Math and Business Administration student. In her blog, Hannah discusses finding her passion through unique co-ops, learning from all her experiences and the importance of being there for one another in the workplace.

Hannah's co-op journey:

Co-op advice: don’t take a backseat to your life

University of Waterloo Health student, Kaitlyn Neustaedter, smiling

Kaitlyn Neustaedter (she/her) is a fourth year Faculty of Health student, minoring in psychology with an option in aging studies. She discusses her growth as a new professional through co-op and the importance of self-advocacy and intentionality during the application process.

Pollution awareness for a healthier future in Yellowknife

University of Waterloo Health student, Muskaan Grewal, posing and smiling

Muskaan Grewal (she/her), a fourth-year Public Health student, discusses her most recent co-op term working in the Northern Contaminants Program (NCP) under the Crown–Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada directorate.

Finding passion in the workplace through physiotherapy

Claire Lemon at work on desk

Claire Lemon (she/her), a fourth-year Kinesiology student, shares her journey from being a co-op student herself to now supervising new co-op students, the importance of building connections in the workplace and always putting her patients’ comfort first.

Research towards remission 

Rahul posing in a suit

Rahul Desai (he/him), a third-year Health student, discusses his experience at the Odette Cancer Center, his love for research and the wide variety of work within healthcare. 

Making a difference in mechanical engineering

University of Waterloo student, Aryaman Chaturani, holding a baby goat.

Aryaman Chaturani (he/him), a third-year mechanical engineering student, discusses his international co-op in Uttarakhand, India, what he learned from his time abroad and the importance of making positive contributions to society through engineering. 

Driving sustainable change in STEM

Headshot of University of Waterloo student, Sophia Gabriel.

Sophia Gabriel (she/her) is a fourth-year Honours Science and Business student specializing in biotechnology. Sophia discusses how her interdisciplinary degree prepared her for the world of work, shares the importance of having a presence on LinkedIn and encourages women in STEM to step out of their comfort zones.

Bringing people together in the digital world

Headshot of University of Waterloo student, Benjamin Ng.

Benjamin Ng (he/him), a second-year Software Engineering student, discusses his first work term in England, his passion for innovation and why he created Prep Trek, a nonprofit organization for incoming high school students.

Renewable solutions: problem solving in the energy sector

Frances Hallen smiling while standing in front of staircase

Frances Hallen (she/her) is the Co-op Student of the Year for the Faculty of Engineering this year.

Making impacts to quality of life through scientific research

Milena Gojsevic smiling while standing in front of staircase

Milena Gojsevic (she/her) is the Co-op Student of the Year for the Faculty of Science. During her work term at Sunnybrook Hospital, she displayed commitment and curiosity towards scientific research.

Turning co-op dreams into reality through genetic counselling

Danielle Lebowitz smiling while standing in front of staircase

This year’s Co-op Student of the Year for the Faculty of Health is fourth-year Health Studies student Danielle Lebowitz (she/her).

Making the best out of waste: a greener future

Avery Sudsbury smiling while standing in front of staircase

Working towards a better future: a public service student’s journey

Stephanie Davis smiling while standing in front of staircase

Stephanie Davis (she/her) is a Master of Public Service student in her second year.

Putting your best foot forward into physics and computer science research

Jessica Bohm smiling while standing in front of staircase

The Co-op Student of the Year for the Faculty of Mathematics is Jessica Bohm (she/her). Jessica combined her passion for computer science and curiosity for physics at TRIUMF.

All hands on deck: co-op at the School of Anatomy

University of Waterloo students, Kaija and Megan, posing with their arms crossed in their lab coats.

Kaija Donaldson (she/her) and Megan Davitsky (she/her) are both entering their third year of Kinesiology. Having completed their first two co-op terms at the School of Anatomy, Kaija and Megan discuss their work as anatomy program assistants, the positive impacts they have made on Waterloo youth and what they hope to accomplish in the future.   

Scaling new heights on co-op

University of Waterloo student, Ryan Tang, taking a photo with his camera.

Ryan Tang (he/him) is a third-year Geological Engineering student with an unwavering spirit for adventure. He narrates the thrilling story behind the photo that won him first place in the “Where in the World?!” photo contest, recaps valuable lessons from all three of his work terms and provides insight for students considering an international experience of their own.

Sparking change from Waterloo to Austria

University of Waterloo student, Jessica Bona, smiling at a lookout point in Europe.

Jessica Bona (she/her) is a fourth-year Environment, Resources and Sustainability (ERS) student pursuing a minor in Peace and Conflict studies. As a recurring residence don at United College and Captain of the University of Waterloo dance team she is a pillar of the school community. Jessica discusses what drew her towards ERS, the value of working for a non-profit and her experience conducting research in Austria.  

Crunching numbers and building dreams

University of Waterloo student, Arnav Gupta, standing in front of a colourful wall.

Arnav Gupta (he/him), a third-year Honours Mathematics and Business Administration student, is making a name for himself in finance, one co-op term at a time. He shares some key advice on the value of online courses and volunteer opportunities, how to manage stress and how to remain adaptable when facing new challenges.  

“Seeking discomfort leads to great personal growth”

University of Waterloo student, Sam Roberge-Arnott, standing outside of Griffith Observatory with his bicycle.

Sam Roberge-Arnott (he/him) is in his fourth year of studying mechatronics engineering. Having completed six work terms, Sam imparts wisdom on building connections in university, standing out in competitive programs and embracing international opportunities.

Cracking the code to a successful co-op term

Prabhsharan standing in front of the Niagara Falls.

Prabhsharan Singh Sethi (he/him), a second-year Mathematics student, shares what he’s learned from his first co-op term at the Centre for Work-Integrated Learning. From interview preparation to finding a sense of belonging in his first year, Prahbsharan shares real challenges facing co-op students.

Blueprints and baguettes: designing buildings in Paris

University of Wateroo student, Michael Salib, smiling in front of the Eiffel Tower.

Michael Salib (he/him), a fourth-year Architecture student, shares how the architecture curriculum and the co-op program offer students the freedom to explore new cultures and reconnect with their own.

Humans: the most valuable resource at work 

University of Waterloo student, Natalie Alhadidi, smiling in a grassy field with a windmill in the background.

Natalie Alhadidi (she/her) is a fourth-year Psychology student with an impressive set of interpersonal skills. As a student interested in a career in human resources, Natalie discusses the value of collaboration in the workplace, the importance of finding intrinsic motivation and the value of international co-op experiences. 

Great experiences in the great lakes

University of Waterloo student, Putri Cullinane, smiling on a trail in the woods.

Putri Cullinane (she/her) is a third-year Environment, Resources and Sustainability major pursuing a minor in Economics. Her passion for water research and climate action shines through as she discusses her work experience in government and non-profit roles, along with strategies for maintaining well-being in the face of eco-anxiety. 

Decoding challenges in the data world

University of Waterloo student, Shashwat Murawala, smiling in the forest.

Shashwat Murawala (he/him), a second-year Computer Science student, discusses his first co-op experience as a data analyst at JANA corporation while highlighting the importance of continuous learning in the ever-evolving technology field.  

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