Posts for the Topic Staying motivated

Staying curious and embracing lab life on co-op

University of Waterloo Science student, Genevie Tran, smiling

Genevie Tran (she/her) is in her third year of Biology. She discusses her passion for wet lab research and her advice for staying motivated throughout the work term.

Auditing adventures: co-op at KPMG

A collage of University of Waterloo AFM student Nathan skiing, posing in a stadium and rock climbing

Nathan Farquharson (he/him) is in his third year of Accounting and Financial Management (AFM), minoring in Economics and specializing in Business Analytics. He gives us a glimpse of working at one of the Big Four accounting firms and the importance of networking as a co-op student.

Co-op advice: don’t take a backseat to your life

University of Waterloo Health student, Kaitlyn Neustaedter, smiling

Kaitlyn Neustaedter (she/her) is a fourth year Faculty of Health student, minoring in psychology with an option in aging studies. She discusses her growth as a new professional through co-op and the importance of self-advocacy and intentionality during the application process.

Humans: the most valuable resource at work 

University of Waterloo student, Natalie Alhadidi, smiling in a grassy field with a windmill in the background.

Natalie Alhadidi (she/her) is a fourth-year Psychology student with an impressive set of interpersonal skills. As a student interested in a career in human resources, Natalie discusses the value of collaboration in the workplace, the importance of finding intrinsic motivation and the value of international co-op experiences. 

Great jobs in every cycle

Niharika Sharma in a bridge

Niharika Sharma (she/her), a fourth-year arts and business student with a major in economics and a finance specialization, shares with us her wild and twisted journey of finding her co-op placements.

Niharika's co-op story

A math student’s passion for working in the health sector

University of Waterloo Math co-op student, Laura Bumbulis, smiling.

Laura Bumbulis (she/her), a fifth-year Math student in the Statistics and Combinatorics & Optimization program, talks about the projects she was part of while at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) and gives some advice on finding a co-op job. Laura is also the recipient of the 2021 Math Co-op Student of the Year Award!

Paving the way through co-op

University of Waterloo Environment co-op student, Matt Jay, standing in a banquet hall

Matt Jay, a third-year Environment student in the School of Planning, tells us all about his co-op experiences working for different cities and that perseverance is key when it comes to co-op!

Trying different roles in Marketing: Amica, Manulife, Mejuri

University of Waterloo Arts co-op student, Rency smiling in a restaurant

Rency Luan, a fourth-year Arts and Business student majoring in Rhetoric English, shares her experience working in various digital marketing positions. 

Journaling pushes me to keep learning something new

University of Waterloo Kinesiology co-op student, Emily outside by a building

Emily Tam, a fourth-year Kinesiology student at the University of Waterloo, shares how she kept herself motivated by journaling during her co-op terms.

How did you keep yourself motivated during your work term? 

How opportunities can grow into new passions

University of waterloo Public Health co-op student, Nilusha smiling beside a tree

Nilusha Rattansi, a third-year Honours Public Health student, also pursuing a minor in French, shares her co-op experience by encouraging us to try new things! 

Nilusha spent her first co-op term at the Ontario Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility in Toronto followed by her next co-op term where she was at Year Zero Studios as a Research and Digital Marketing Fellow. 
