Posts for the Topic Working remotely

Auditing adventures: co-op at KPMG

A collage of University of Waterloo AFM student Nathan skiing, posing in a stadium and rock climbing

Nathan Farquharson (he/him) is in his third year of Accounting and Financial Management (AFM), minoring in Economics and specializing in Business Analytics. He gives us a glimpse of working at one of the Big Four accounting firms and the importance of networking as a co-op student.

Working remotely across time zones

Anand at a stadium

Anand Nair, a third-year Chemical Engineering student, shares what it was like working and completing courses remotely, all in a different time zone.

Work term 1 & 2: HelloFresh – Procurement analyst

Experience, exposure, and an exhilarating story: Tanveer’s journey

A photo of Tanveer smiling in front of the Toronto General Hospital building.

Hi! My name is Tanveer Randhawa and I am excited to share my academic, professional and personal experiences over the last few years as a Health Science co-op student at the University of Waterloo.

What year and program are you in?

Research in equestrian training: Max's first co-op journey

A photo of co-op student Max wearing a University of Waterloo lab coat.

Max Homm is a Science student in Honours Biology going into his 2B academic term. He describes his first co-op experience and the skills he developed during his term at Levade!

How many co-op work terms have you done and where have you done them?

Building skills and relationships: Sarina's experience

University of Waterloo Health co-op student, Sarina Nathoo, smiling outside in a corn field.

Hi! My name is Sarina and I am a 3B Honours Public Health student, minoring in Gerontology and Political Science. Today, I will be sharing my co-op experience working in the Department of National Defence - Canadian Forces Health Services Group!

Journaling pushes me to keep learning something new

University of Waterloo Kinesiology co-op student, Emily outside by a building

Emily Tam, a fourth-year Kinesiology student at the University of Waterloo, shares how she kept herself motivated by journaling during her co-op terms.

How did you keep yourself motivated during your work term? 

How opportunities can grow into new passions

University of waterloo Public Health co-op student, Nilusha smiling beside a tree

Nilusha Rattansi, a third-year Honours Public Health student, also pursuing a minor in French, shares her co-op experience by encouraging us to try new things! 

Nilusha spent her first co-op term at the Ontario Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility in Toronto followed by her next co-op term where she was at Year Zero Studios as a Research and Digital Marketing Fellow. 

From India to Cali: Working on a flipped schedule

University of Waterloo Arts co-op student, Sharanya smiling

Sharanya Karkera, a second-year Arts and Business student is currently working remotely from India for her first 8-month co-op term. 

Sharanya works for a company based in California called Calix. Calix involves cloud computing, software platforms, systems and services to communications service providers.