International Women’s Day Office Hour: #BreakTheBias - Empowering Women to Succeed and Allies to Support

Thursday, March 10, 2022 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Waterloo Engineering alumni and current students are invited to participate in an exclusive virtual International Women’s Day Office Hour: #BreakTheBias - Empowering Women to Succeed and Allies to Support, sponsored by Ten Thousand Coffees.

This International Women’s Day, we’re shedding light on the barriers that women face as they enter or navigate the workforce. The first step is building awareness and the next step is breaking them down - and we need women and allies to do both.

If you identify as a woman, it’s critical to understand what barriers you may encounter and the proven tactics you can use to overcome them - spoiler alert, sponsorship is key! As an ally, it’s your job to actively call out bias when you see it and fight to break the mold. 

Join this exclusive event with Christine Silva of Shopify, Emma Mohns of Kinaxis, and Ten Thousand Coffees CEO and Co-Founder Dave Wilkin to hear about the tactics these women used to navigate and succeed in their career and the role allyship played. 

You won’t want to miss it!


Dave Wilkin, Co-Founder & CEO, Ten Thousand Coffees


Sign up today and save your seat! Not able to make it this time? No problem, register anyway to receive a video recording of this Office Hour session to watch on your own time.

Join the Waterloo Engineering Hub (powered by Ten Thousand Coffees) to gain access to this Office Hour. If you are already a member of the Waterloo Engineering Hub, please sign in to RSVP.