There is a new Dean of Engineering at the University of Waterloo and we want you to meet her!

Waterloo Engineering alumni are invited to a virtual fireside chat with Dean Mary A. Wells, who will share her vision of bold collaboration for the Faculty of Engineering for the next four years with you and your engineering classmates from the Seattle and Vancouver areas.
Dean Wells will highlight key areas including how current engineering students are learning online as we respond to COVID-19; an update on co-op work terms; the Faculty’s main research thrusts as well as our efforts to combat COVID-19 such as developing a vaccine; and her strategy for the future of engineering education. You can virtually meet the Dean of Engineering during this alumni event and you will have the opportunity to ask her questions.
Your host of this exclusive fireside chat is Erin Chapple (BASc 1998, Electrical Engineering), Corporate Vice President of Azure Compute at Microsoft. Part of the fireside chat will centre around tech and innovation in Seattle and Vancouver as well as what Waterloo Engineering’s work looks like in terms of research, alumni, students and employers in your area.
A link to join this virtual event will be sent to all registered participants.

BASc 1998, Electrical Engineering
Corporate Vice President, Azure Compute at Microsoft
As the corporate vice president, Azure Compute, Erin Chapple leads Product for Azure Compute, delivering offerings which span the spectrum from Infrastrure as a Service (IaaS), to Platform as a Service (PaaS), to Functions as a Service (FaaS), which enable customer choice in the hosting model for their applications. Erin joined Microsoft in 1998; her roles have included Lead Program Manager; Partner Group Program Manager, Cloud OS Infrastructure; GM, Windows Server & Director, Program Management; and CVP, Windows Server, Always Connected PCs, and OS Platform Technologies.