Mechanical & Mechatronic Engineering Addendum

- December 2010


This Departmental Addendum supplements the Faculty of Engineering Guidelines for Annual Performance Reviews and provides specific guidelines for the Departmental annual evaluation with respect to teaching, research and service. In the event of a conflict between the terms of the Faculty Guidelines and this Addendum, this Addendum shall take precedence.

1. Assessment of Teaching Component

  • For faculty members in the Faculty of Engineering who are teaching 3 courses per year instead of the normal load of 4, the supervision of graduate students and undergraduate students will be expected.
  • The Faculty average for graduate student supervision is approximately4.5 research students per year. For faculty members who choose to teach the normal course of 4 courses per year, the expectations for graduate and undergraduate student supervision will be reduced. Such an arrangement should be made in advance and in writing to the Department Chair.

2. Assessment of Research Component

  • Research performance will be assessed for the period of the last three calendar years.
  • Supervision of postdoctoral fellows and non-student research personnel will be assessed as research.

3. Assessment of Service Component

  • Service performance will be assessed for the previous calendar year only.
  • Specific information on the responsibilities of committee memberships and time commitment should be described in each case.
  • Demonstrate “Departmental citizenship” which would include, but is not limited to, mentoring new faculty members, being available in the Department, being willing to take on hard-to-cover courses, and being available to students.