Teams capture top awards at Canadian Engineering Competition

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

A student team that has developed a unique endoscope placed second in this year's Canadian Engineering Competition hosted by the University of Calgary in early March.

Michael Phillips and Phillip Cooper, both fourth-year mechanical engineering students, competed in the Innovative Design category.

Phillips and Cooper have developed an endoscope that uses harmless infrared light to give physicians point-of-view perspective as they navigate veins and arteries during procedures.  Called NIRVE, the endoscope is the students' fourth-year Capstone Design engineering project. 

Also capturing second place in the competition were Ali Vira and Graham Bleaney, both fourth-year systems design engineering students.  Vira and Bleaney competed in the Debate category.

The annual Canadian Engineering Competition brings together 150 engineering undergraduate students from across the country to compete against each other in one of six categories, ranging from design, consulting, presentation and debate. Participants all won top honours at their respective regional competitions.