Posts for the Topic Co-op tips

Do you have a busy boss? 4 tips to help you navigate this

The text "Busy Boss Tips", a clock icon, a text bubble with a light bulb icon inside of it.

Is your boss always busy? Don’t feel that you are getting enough face time with your supervisor? Now, this isn’t always the case when working a new job, but it does happen to some of us and it can be tough! Luckily, there are ways that can help you gain more confidence and get needed support. Here are four things you can try out when faced with this kind of situation.

Work term report support: 4 helpful tips

The text "work term report", a circle around "report", a paper on each side. A bar graph, light bulb, and magnifying glass icon.

It’s nearing the end of your co-op work term. You have probably come across different challenges, successes, and, hopefully, have learned a few valuable lessons along the way. Now it’s time for you to reflect on these experiences. As I’m sure a lot of you already know, you need to write a few work term reports in order to receive your co-op degree. So, without further ado, let’s get to writing!

Research, research, research: Sana’s outlook

University of Waterloo Engineering co-op student, Sana Allana, sitting on a park bench and smiling.

Sana Allana (she/her), a 4B Biomedical Engineering student, gives us a look into the various co-op jobs she has had and the important lessons she has learned from these experiences.

Sana has completed a total of six co-op work terms:

Making a difference at Red Canari

University of Waterloo Arts co-op student, Ingrid Kaffka, smiling.

Through her dedication to Red Canari, Ingrid Kaffka (she/her) is the recipient of the 2021 Arts Co-op Student of the Year Award! Kaffka, a fourth-year Arts student in the Rhetoric, Media and Professional Communication (RMPC) program, shares her experience working at Red Canari and tells us what the key to becoming successful in your co-op role is.

How to search for jobs: 4 tips for success

The text "Job searching tips" (in the middle), "tips" in a magnifying glass. A search bar at the top, and four business icons.

The job search is stressful, challenging and can sometimes make you lose your patience. Not to mention, you’re on a study term so that just adds even more to your plate. Searching for a job can be difficult, but just like most things, it’s a learning process. You might apply for a hundred jobs and end up getting one or two interviews, or sometimes even zero. But don’t lose hope just yet! There are many ways for you to find a job and I’m here to sprinkle a little bit of guidance into your job search tactics.

Happiness is key: 5 tips to create a good work-life balance

Image of a balance scale, where one side says "work" and the other says "life." Both sides have various work and life icons.

Work always seems to keep us busy, to the point where we find ourselves not having enough time for our personal lives. Yes, your job is important and you need to get things done, but your well-being and social life are as well. I know it’s easy to become distracted by your job, but you should also focus on spending time with yourself and those around you to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Now that most of us are working from home, separating work and life has become even more challenging. Here are some tips to help you lead a good work-life balance! 

Working for one of the largest municipalities in Canada

University of Waterloo Environment co-op student, Jeffrey Ren, smiling inside of a building.

Jeffrey Ren, a fourth-year Urban Planning student at Waterloo, shares his co-op experiences working for the City of Windsor and the City of Ottawa, and how the connections he built through co-op got him an offer for a full-time job!

Advice for your internship

University of Waterloo Science co-op student, Jonny Hsu, smiling in front of the Golden Gate Bridge.


For the past four years, I've been a student at the University of Waterloo studying in the Science and Business co-op program, specializing in Biochemistry. Being from B.C. - one of the reasons why I chose to fly across the country to attend Waterloo was because of the co-op program.

I understood the assignment: giving 110% on your co-op!

Image of a staircase with the text "Always give 110%!" on it, three people icons, a gold trophy, a gold medal, and a light bulb.

Want to make the most out of your co-op this term? I've got you covered!

Turning a co-op position into a full-time career at KPMG

University of Waterloo Arts and Business co-op alum, Daynica Fisher, standing and smiling in a forest

Daynica Fisher is an Arts and Business Waterloo alum who majored in Sociology and minored in Human Resources Management. She shares her co-op experiences working in human resources and administration and how her co-op positions led her to a full-time career.


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