Posts for the Topic Co-op tips

The pre-interview ritual you never knew you needed: 5 steps to confidence

Listing page image for pre-interview ritual blog, a meditating icon, with thought bubbles around it

A quick introduction!

“I’m so nervous!” The most overused line you say when you have an interview coming up. Your stomach hurts, you can’t think straight, you start having second thoughts, and ultimately just overwhelm yourself. But just like with most things in life, it's important that you mentally prepare yourself. You’re now probably asking, “Well how do I do that?” Don’t worry, I got you covered! Check out this pre-interview ritual I have created to help you get rid of those interview jitters.

Step 1: Wake up and have a healthy breakfast  

How to stand out to employers: 5 tips to improve your LinkedIn profile

Listing page image for LinkedIn profile tips blog

Let's begin!

Is it just me or is it challenging to figure out where to start when using LinkedIn? All of these questions might be running through your head; how do I grow my connections? Am I showcasing myself effectively? How do I get employers to notice my profile?

Your LinkedIn profile is crucial. It is where you are presenting yourself and creating your own personal brand. If you are having trouble figuring out where to start, these next few tips are a great guide to your profile success!

Trying different roles in Marketing: Amica, Manulife, Mejuri

University of Waterloo Arts co-op student, Rency smiling in a restaurant

Rency Luan, a fourth-year Arts and Business student majoring in Rhetoric English, shares her experience working in various digital marketing positions. 

Co-op helps Math student find his interest in Actuarial Science

Adam McIntosh, University of Waterloo Math Business co-op student smiling

Adam McIntosh, a 3B Math Business student pursuing a double degree in Actuarial Science and Statistics, shares his co-op experience and how it has helped toward his career goals.  

The co-op life in Pharmacy

University of Waterloo, Pharamacy Co-op student, Max smiling

Max Kisil, a third-year Pharmacy student, shares his co-op journey from Grand River Hospital and Lancaster Wellness Pharmacy. 

Work hard right from the beginning

University of Waterloo, 2nd year Environment Co-op student, Nickie smiling at lakeshore beach

Nickie Senthil Kumar, a second-year Honours Environment, Resources and Sustainability (ERS) student with a minor in Legal Studies at the University of Waterloo, shares a glimpse of her first work term.

My first co-op experience:

Never stop believing in yourself

University of Waterloo, Math Co-op student, Priyanka Saha sitting on grass

Priyanka Saha, a second-year international student pursuing Computer Science under the Faculty of Math shares the difficulties in finding the first co-op amidst Covid-19 pandemic.

Journey behind landing the first co-op:

Math is more versatile than you think

University of Waterloo, Math Co-op student, Erik Liang smiling

Erik Liang is currently pursuing a double major within the Faculty of Math, Financial Analysis and Risk Management (FARM) and Statistics. He shares his perspective as a co-op student while working at several Canadian banks.

Avoiding burnout & adapting to change while working for the federal government

Miila standing while holding her dog in front of mountains

Miila Kai Tuju, a small-town girl from Muskoka pursuing her 4B term of Planning says, “Never be afraid to apply to a city you’ve never been to before.” She never imagined to be working for the federal government out in Ottawa. Miila says, “It's really important because if I hadn't made that decision one night to just randomly apply, I wouldn't have been here running the fe

Working where health care and technology meet

Maisha standing by trees

Third-year health studies student Maisha Adil shares her co-op experience and tips on how to stay motivated on your work term.
