A pharmacy student’s pandemic experience

University of Waterloo Science co-op student, Camille Huo, smiling.

Camille Huo (she/her), a third-year Pharmacy student at the School of Pharmacy, shares her experience working in a pharmacy during the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic and how she navigated the pressures of it as a co-op student. Her accomplishments led her to be named the recipient of the 2021 Science Co-op Student of the Year Award!

A math student’s passion for working in the health sector

University of Waterloo Math co-op student, Laura Bumbulis, smiling.

Laura Bumbulis (she/her), a fifth-year Math student in the Statistics and Combinatorics & Optimization program, talks about the projects she was part of while at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) and gives some advice on finding a co-op job. Laura is also the recipient of the 2021 Math Co-op Student of the Year Award!

How to search for jobs: 4 tips for success

The text "Job searching tips" (in the middle), "tips" in a magnifying glass. A search bar at the top, and four business icons.

The job search is stressful, challenging and can sometimes make you lose your patience. Not to mention, you’re on a study term so that just adds even more to your plate. Searching for a job can be difficult, but just like most things, it’s a learning process. You might apply for a hundred jobs and end up getting one or two interviews, or sometimes even zero. But don’t lose hope just yet! There are many ways for you to find a job and I’m here to sprinkle a little bit of guidance into your job search tactics.

How WE Accelerate helped me land a co-op job

University of Waterloo Environment co-op student, Harshminder Sidhu, smiling outside.

Harshminder Sidhu (she/her), a 3B Planning student, shares her co-op experience as a Waterloo Experience (WE) Accelerate student in the D2L stream.

How do you feel WE Accelerate set you up for success in the search for your next job?

Gaining soft skills: first work term perspective

University of Waterloo Arts co-op student, Ceanna Aranha, smiling outside.

Ceanna Aranha (she/her), a third-year Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) student, shares what her experience was like working at one of the Big Four accounting firms, KPMG, and how this co-op term has helped strengthen her soft skills and career knowledge!

Happiness is key: 5 tips to create a good work-life balance

Image of a balance scale, where one side says "work" and the other says "life." Both sides have various work and life icons.

Work always seems to keep us busy, to the point where we find ourselves not having enough time for our personal lives. Yes, your job is important and you need to get things done, but your well-being and social life are as well. I know it’s easy to become distracted by your job, but you should also focus on spending time with yourself and those around you to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Now that most of us are working from home, separating work and life has become even more challenging. Here are some tips to help you lead a good work-life balance! 

Working for one of the largest municipalities in Canada

University of Waterloo Environment co-op student, Jeffrey Ren, smiling inside of a building.

Jeffrey Ren, a fourth-year Urban Planning student at Waterloo, shares his co-op experiences working for the City of Windsor and the City of Ottawa, and how the connections he built through co-op got him an offer for a full-time job!

An E Co-op student’s home decor business venture

University of Waterloo Math and Business E co-op student, Madison Greenough, smiling, and an image of two wooden wall stands.

Madison Greenough, a fifth-year Math and Business double degree student, shares her transition from a traditional co-op to E co-op and what her experience has been like building her own business.

Advice for your internship

University of Waterloo Science co-op student, Jonny Hsu, smiling in front of the Golden Gate Bridge.


For the past four years, I've been a student at the University of Waterloo studying in the Science and Business co-op program, specializing in Biochemistry. Being from B.C. - one of the reasons why I chose to fly across the country to attend Waterloo was because of the co-op program.

Journey around the world for a co-op job

University of Waterloo Math co-op student, Anoushka Gupta, sitting on a chair and smiling

Hello! My name is Anoushka and I am a second-year Computer Science student. I have completed my first co-op work term as a Web Assistant for the Co-operative and Experiential Education (CEE) department at the University of Waterloo. 
