Bringing Lynk Global to the Middle Eastern market

University of Waterloo Science and Business co-op student, Souhail, smiling in Dubai

Souhail Aboulhoda, a third-year international student in Honours Science and Business, shares his various co-op experiences and says that co-op has taught him to become more patient! 

How to stand out to employers: 5 tips to improve your LinkedIn profile

Listing page image for LinkedIn profile tips blog

Let's begin!

Is it just me or is it challenging to figure out where to start when using LinkedIn? All of these questions might be running through your head; how do I grow my connections? Am I showcasing myself effectively? How do I get employers to notice my profile?

Your LinkedIn profile is crucial. It is where you are presenting yourself and creating your own personal brand. If you are having trouble figuring out where to start, these next few tips are a great guide to your profile success!

Trying different roles in Marketing: Amica, Manulife, Mejuri

University of Waterloo Arts co-op student, Rency smiling in a restaurant

Rency Luan, a fourth-year Arts and Business student majoring in Rhetoric English, shares her experience working in various digital marketing positions. 

Journaling pushes me to keep learning something new

University of Waterloo Kinesiology co-op student, Emily outside by a building

Emily Tam, a fourth-year Kinesiology student at the University of Waterloo, shares how she kept herself motivated by journaling during her co-op terms.

How did you keep yourself motivated during your work term? 

Working in Dubai at Yellow Door Energy

University of Waterloo Environment Co-op student, Ayman smiling outdoors

Ayman Gostar, a third-year Environment and Business student, shares a glimpse to his first work term in Dubai.

Combining Food Science and co-op: a recipe for success

University of Waterloo Science Co-op student, Chariya Goyal smiling

Charita Goyal, a fourth-year Life Science student minoring in Fine Arts and specializing in Animal Biology, says co-op has allowed her to be open-minded. 

Exploring oncology in co-op

University of Waterloo Health Co-op student, Iman Salehi smiling

Iman Salehi, a third-year Health Studies major and Medical Physiology minor student, shares how he found a deeper meaning in oncology from his co-ops.

Making meaningful contributions through project management

University of Waterloo Arts co-op student, Headshot of Laura smiling

Laura Kwan, a fourth-year Arts and Business, Legal Studies and Sociology student, shares how she developed an interest in project management through co-op.

Day in the life of a WE Accelerate student

Waterloo WE Accelerate Co-op Student Aseel Osman smiling

Aseel Osman, a 1B Nanotechnology Engineering student, shares her co-op experience as a Waterloo Experience (WE) Accelerate student in the Digital Bootcamp stream during a VUCA (Volatile, Unpredictable, Complex, Ambiguous) time.

What did a day in the life of a WE Accelerate student look like?

Co-op helps Math student find his interest in Actuarial Science

Adam McIntosh, University of Waterloo Math Business co-op student smiling

Adam McIntosh, a 3B Math Business student pursuing a double degree in Actuarial Science and Statistics, shares his co-op experience and how it has helped toward his career goals.  
