Alaina Hansen

Alaina Hansen

March 23, 2021

Meet Alaina Hansen!⁣

Hello! My name is Alaina and I’m a 2024 Mechatronics student! ⁣

Are you a part of any other clubs/teams at Waterloo?⁣

I’m involved in several clubs at Waterloo! I am currently the Team Lead for the UW Robotics Team, part of the Advertising Lead for Engineering Ambassadors, part of the orientation team, and one of the Chair’s for the Canadian Engineering Competition. Outside of Waterloo I am involved in the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students and Ontario Engineering Competition. ⁣

What is your position on EngSoc? What are some of your roles and responsibilities?⁣

This year I am the First Year and Waterloo Engineering Competition (WEC) Commissioner for EngSoc. As First Year Comm I get to organize and plan events specifically for first years to help them get to know their peers and build their co-op skills. As WEC Comm I get to run our bi-annual engineering competition covering topics from design, to consulting and programming. Students who place at this competition have the opportunity to compete at the Ontario, and later the Canadian level.

EngSoc is the student society that represents Engineering at Waterloo to both faculty and external partners. We run a lot of events and services throughout the year such as the exam bank and resume critiques, and also advocate for student interests. Its a lot of fun, and a great community to be involved with!⁣

Favourite Waterloo memory so far? (event, course, etc.)⁣

My favourite Waterloo memory so far was the week leading up to our lego robot showcase in 1A. My friends and I worked on our project every night that week, and stayed up almost all night before it was due. We had a lot of laughs, drank a lot of coffee, and even had to walk to Michael’s in the middle of the night to get supplies. At the time we were all very stressed, but looking back it was a lot of fun and a very fond memory.